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Rules that are marked with a <tt>*</tt> in the first column are implemented in the latest version of Rodin.
Rules without a <tt>*</tt> are planned to be implemented in future versions.
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Other conventions used in these tables are described in [[The_Proving_Perspective_%28Rodin_User_Manual%29#Rewrite_Rules]].
All rewrite rules that match the pattern <math>\textbf{P}=\emptyset</math> are also applicable to predicates of the form <math>\textbf{P}\subseteq\emptyset</math>  and  <math>\emptyset=\textbf{P}</math>, as these predicates are equivalent.
The CamilleX feature provides text editors for XContexts and and XMachines which then compiled automatically to Event-B contexts and machines.
Extension to Event-B including the ''machine inclusion'' mechanism is also supported.
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{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DEF_SPECIAL_NOT_EQUAL}}||<math>  \lnot\, S = \emptyset  \;\;\defi\;\;  \exists x \qdot  x \in  S </math>|| where <math>x</math> is not free in <math>S</math> ||  M
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_SETENUM_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \{ A, \ldots , B\}  = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIMP_SPECIAL_EQUAL_COMPSET}}||<math>  \{  x \qdot  P(x) \mid  E \}  = \emptyset  \;\;\defi\;\;  \forall x\qdot  \lnot\, P(x) </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_BINTER_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  A \binter \ldots \binter B = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\;  A = \mathit{Ty} \land \ldots \land B  = \mathit{Ty} </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_BUNION_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  A \bunion \ldots \bunion B = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  A = \emptyset \land \ldots \land B  = \emptyset </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_SETMINUS_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  A \setminus  B = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  A \subseteq  B  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_SETMINUS_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  A \setminus  B = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\;  A = \mathit{Ty} \land B = \emptyset </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_POW_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \pow (S) = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_POW1_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \pown (S) = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  S = \emptyset  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_KINTER_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  \inter (S) = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\;  S = \{ \mathit{Ty} \}  </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_KUNION_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \union (S) = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  S \subseteq \{ \emptyset \}  </math>|| ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_QINTER_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  (\Inter  x\qdot P(x)  \mid  E(x)) = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\;  \forall x\qdot  P(x) \limp E(x) = \mathit{Ty}</math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_QUNION_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  (\Union  x\qdot P(x)  \mid  E(x)) = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  \forall x\qdot  P(x) \limp E(x) = \emptyset</math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_NATURAL_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \nat = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse</math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_NATURAL1_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \natn = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse</math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIMP_TYPE_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> \mathit{Ty} = \emptyset  \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_CPROD_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  S \cprod T = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; S = \emptyset \lor T = \emptyset </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_CPROD_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  S \cprod T = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; S = \mathit{Ta} \land T = \mathit{Tb} </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb}</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_UPTO_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  i \upto j = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; i > j </math>|| ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_UPTO_EQUAL_INTEGER}}||<math>  i \upto j = \intg \;\;\defi\;\; \bfalse </math>|| ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_UPTO_EQUAL_NATURAL}}||<math>  i \upto j = \nat \;\;\defi\;\; \bfalse </math>|| ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_UPTO_EQUAL_NATURAL1}}||<math>  i \upto j = \natn \;\;\defi\;\; \bfalse </math>|| ||  A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIMP_SPECIAL_EQUAL_REL}}||<math>  A \rel  B = \emptyset  \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse </math>|| idem for operators <math>\pfun  \pinj</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_TYPE_EQUAL_REL}}||<math>  A \rel  B = \mathit{Ty}  \;\;\defi\;\;  A = \mathit{Ta} \land B = \mathit{Tb} </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb}</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIMP_SPECIAL_EQUAL_RELDOM}}||<math>  A \trel  B = \emptyset  \;\;\defi\;\;  \lnot\, A = \emptyset  \land  B = \emptyset </math>|| idem for operator <math>\tfun</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_TYPE_EQUAL_RELDOM}}||<math>  A \trel  B = \mathit{Ty}  \;\;\defi\;\;  \bfalse </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression, idem for operator <math>\srel, \strel, \tfun, \tinj, \tsur, \tbij</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_SREL_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  A \srel B = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; A = \emptyset \land  \lnot\,B = \emptyset </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_STREL_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  A \strel B = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; (A = \emptyset \leqv  \lnot\,B = \emptyset) </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DOM_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \dom (r) = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; r = \emptyset  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_RAN_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \ran (r) = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; r = \emptyset  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_FCOMP_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> p \fcomp q = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \ran (p) \binter \dom (q) = \emptyset  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_BCOMP_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> p \bcomp q = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \ran (q) \binter \dom (p) = \emptyset  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DOMRES_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> S \domres r = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \dom (r) \binter S = \emptyset  </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DOMRES_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math> S \domres r = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; S = \mathit{Ta} \land r = \mathit{Ty}  </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb}</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DOMSUB_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> S \domsub r = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \dom (r) \subseteq S </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DOMSUB_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math> S \domsub r = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; S = \emptyset \land r = \mathit{Ty} </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_RANRES_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> r \ranres S = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \ran (r) \binter S = \emptyset</math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_RANRES_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math> r \ranres S = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; S = \mathit{Tb} \land r = \mathit{Ty}</math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb}</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_RANSUB_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> r \ransub S = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \ran (r) \subseteq S </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_RANSUB_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math> r \ransub S = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; S = \emptyset \land r = \mathit{Ty}</math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_CONVERSE_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> r^{-1} = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; r = \emptyset</math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_CONVERSE_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math> r^{-1} = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; r = \mathit{Ty}^{-1}</math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_RELIMAGE_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math> r[S] = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; S \domres r = \emptyset</math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_OVERL_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  r \ovl \ldots \ovl s = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; r = \emptyset \land \ldots \land s =  \emptyset </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DPROD_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  p \dprod q = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \dom (p) \binter \dom (q) = \emptyset </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_DPROD_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  p \dprod q = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; p = \mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb} \land q = \mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tc} </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod (\mathit{Tb} \cprod \mathit{Tc})</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_PPROD_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  p \pprod q = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; p = \emptyset \lor q = \emptyset </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_PPROD_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  p \pprod q = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\;  p = \mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb} \land q = \mathit{Tc} \cprod \mathit{Td} </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>(\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb}) \cprod (\mathit{Tc} \cprod \mathit{Td})</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_ID_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \id = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \bfalse </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_PRJ1_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \prjone = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \bfalse </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_PRJ1_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  \prjone = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; \finite(\mathit{Ta}) \land \card(\mathit{Ta})=1 </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb} \cprod \mathit{Ta}</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_PRJ2_EQUAL_EMPTY}}||<math>  \prjtwo = \emptyset \;\;\defi\;\; \bfalse </math>||  ||  A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|SIMP_PRJ2_EQUAL_TYPE}}||<math>  \prjtwo = \mathit{Ty} \;\;\defi\;\; \finite(\mathit{Tb}) \land \card(\mathit{Tb})=1 </math>|| where <math>\mathit{Ty}</math> is a type expression equal to <math>\mathit{Ta} \cprod \mathit{Tb} \cprod \mathit{Tb}</math> ||  A
Please have a look also at the [[CamilleX User Guide]].
[[Category:User documentation|The Proving Perspective]]
=== Current version ===
[[Category:Rodin Platform|The Proving Perspective]]
The CamilleX version 2.1.0 is available as a separate feature from the main Soton Plug-in update site (under the ''CamilleX'' category).  Notice that the Soton plug-in update site is now included in the composite Rodin Update Site.
[[Category:User manual|The Proving Perspective]]
=== Principles ===
The CamilleX editors (i.e., XContext and XMachine editors) operate on the separate XContext and XMachine text file and they are compiled to the Rodin files.

Latest revision as of 13:09, 19 July 2021

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The CamilleX feature provides text editors for XContexts and and XMachines which then compiled automatically to Event-B contexts and machines. Extension to Event-B including the machine inclusion mechanism is also supported.

Please have a look also at the CamilleX User Guide.

Current version

The CamilleX version 2.1.0 is available as a separate feature from the main Soton Plug-in update site (under the CamilleX category). Notice that the Soton plug-in update site is now included in the composite Rodin Update Site.


The CamilleX editors (i.e., XContext and XMachine editors) operate on the separate XContext and XMachine text file and they are compiled to the Rodin files.