Rodin Workshop 2024

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11th Rodin User and Developer Workshop

The 11th Rodin User and Developer Workshop, X June, 2024, Bergamo, Italy

Event-B is a formal method for system-level modelling and analysis. The Rodin Platform is an Eclipse-based toolset for Event-B that provides effective support for modelling and automated proof. The platform is open source and is further extendable with plug-ins. A range of plug-ins have already been developed.

The 11th Rodin workshop will be collocated with the ABZ 2024 Conference.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together existing and potential users and developers of the Rodin toolset and to foster a broader community of Rodin users and developers.

For Rodin users the workshop will provide an opportunity to share tool experiences and to gain an understanding of on-going tool developments. For plug-in developers the workshop will provide an opportunity to showcase their tools and to achieve better coordination of tool development effort.


If you are interested in giving a presentation at the Rodin workshop or have a plug-in to demonstrate, send a short abstract (1 or 2 pages PDF) to by the X May 2024 indicating whether it is a tool usage or tool development presentation.

We will endeavour to accommodate all submissions that are clearly relevant to Rodin and Event-B.

The proceedings of the workshop will be available as a technical report at the University of Southampton.


To register for the workshop, please follow the instructions on the ABZ 2024 registration page.


Asieh Salehi Fathabadi, University of Southampton, UK

Thai Son Hoang, University of Southampton, UK