User:Nicolas/Collections/ADVANCE Deliverable D3.4

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The purpose of this page is to give a common structure and guidelines to collaboratively build the ADVANCE Deliverable D3.4 (Methods and tools for model construction and proof III) which will be delivered to the European Commission at month 38 (2014-10-31). The DOW reads:

This deliverable provides a summary of the improvements made to the Rodin Platform throughout the project. It validates the delivery of improvements to both tools and methods for model construction and proof against the original plan. In addition, it reports on the development of formal design patterns that have arisen from the case studies of WP1 and WP2 and nature and availability of the supporting documentation and tutorials. It also reports on the composition / decomposition cookbook.


  • the template of the deliverable is released on 2014-10-06
  • the contents are contributed by 2014-10-22
  • the draft for internal review is sent on 2014-10-24
  • the final deliverable is produced for 2014-10-31


For each item covered in this document, a wiki page has been created (see Contents) to give a brief description of the work that was carried on during third period of the project (Oct 2013-Nov 2014). The contents of each page should not go deeply into technical details, but should rather look like an executive summary. All details (papers, detailed wiki pages, etc.) should be made available as pointers. Moreover, each contribution shall be quite short (ca. two printed pages).


This first paragraph shall identify the involved partners and give an overview of the contribution. In particular, it shall provide answers to the following questions:

  • What are the common denominations?
  • Is it a new feature or an improvement?
  • What is the main purpose?
  • Who was in charge?
  • Who was involved?

Motivations / Decisions

This paragraph shall express the motivation for each tool extension and improvement. More precisely, it shall first indicate the state before the work, the encountered difficulties, and shall highlight the requirements (eg. those of industrial partners). Then, it shall summarize how these requirements were addressed and what are the main benefits. This paragraph shall also summarize the decisions (eg. design decisions) and justify them. Thus, it may present the studied solutions, through their main advantages and inconvenients, to legitimate the final choices.

Available Documentation

This paragraph shall give pointers to the available wiki pages or related publications. This documentation may contain:

  • Requirements.
  • Pre-studies (states of the art, proposals, discussions).
  • Technical details (specifications).
  • Teaching materials (tutorials).
  • User's guides.

A distinction shall be made on the one hand between these different categories, and on the other hand between documentation written for developers and documentation written for end-users.


This paragraph shall give a brief summary about what has been achieved in the topic, and an overview of potential continuations. See also the Tool Development Roadmap.

Formatting rules

In order to homogeneize the contributions and to ensure consistent spelling the following formatting rules shall be enforced:

  • See §4 of How to Edit Your Input File for LLNCS formatting rules.
  • ADVANCE and Rodin shall be typed this way.
  • Contractions shall not be used (eg. write "does not" instead of "doesn't", "let us" instead of "let's", etc).
  • British english spelling shall be retained.
  • "plug-in" shall be preferred to "plugin".
  • Remember that the document is dated 2013-09-30, use past, present and future accordingly.
  • The dedicated category, [[Category:ADVANCE D3.4 Deliverable]], shall be specified for wiki pages.
  • If you intend to use the same reference multiple times, please use the Cite extension [1].
By doing so, you will have to add the additional paragraph at the end of your page :
Note that you can add references using the normal wikimedia links as well as using references nevertheless only the latter ones will appear in the references section on the wiki (e.g. all references will appear in the final PDF document whatever their type).



Introduction (Laurent Voisin/Nicolas Beauger)
General Platform Maintenance
  • Core Rodin platform (Laurent Voisin/Nicolas Beauger)
  • UML-B Improvements (Colin Snook, Vitaly Savicks)
  • ProR (Michael Jastram/Lukas Ladenberger)
  • Camille (Ingo Weigelt)
Improvement of automated proof
  • Integrated provers (Laurent Voisin/Nicolas Beauger)
  • SMT Provers (Laurent Voisin)
Model Checking (Michael Leuschel & al.)
Language extension (Asieh Salehi)
Model Composition and Decomposition (Asieh Salehi)