Decomposition Plug-in User Guide

From Event-B
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The Decomposition plug-in allows to decompose a model into sub-models.

See the Event-B Model Decomposition page for technical details on shared variables (A-style) decomposition.

Installing and Updating

TODO: Not yet released, waiting for Rodin 1.2


The following steps will guide you through the setup process:

  1. Download Rodin for your platform from Sourceforge:
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Start Rodin from the folder where you extracted the zip file in the previous step.
  4. Install the Decomposition plug-in:
    1. In the menu choose Help -> Software Updates...
    2. Select the tab Available Software and click Add Site...
    3. Use the location URL:
    4. Back in Available Software open the update site you just added
    5. Select Event-B Decomposition and click Install...
  5. Restart Rodin as suggested.

Now you are ready to use the Decomposition plug-in.


The following steps will guide you through the update process:

  1. In Rodin open the preferences (Window -> Preferences or for Mac: Rodin -> Preferences)
  2. Find Install/Update -> Automatic Updates
  3. Select Automatically find new updates and notify me

As soon as Rodin finds a new update it will ask you if you would like to install it.

Release Notes

See the Decomposition Release History.


Running the Decompose Action

The Decompose action is available:

1. Either from the toolbar of the Event-B explorer. 2. Or from the contextual menu, when right-clicking on a machine.

It launches the decomposition wizard, which will perform the decomposition according to the preferences.

Setting the Preferences

The different decomposition options are described below:

  • Decomposition style. The shared variables (A-style) or shared events (B-style) decomposition will be performed, according to the specified decomposition style.
  • Context decomposition. The contexts seen by the input machine are decomposed if and only if this option is checked; otherwise, they are copied from the initial model to the decomposed sub-models.

Selecting the Input Machine

Importing / Exporting the Configuration

TODO: To be completed

It is possible on the one hand to export a configuration to a file, and on the other hand to import a configuration from a file.

Reporting a Bug or Requesting a Feature

Please, use the SourceForge trackers to report a bug on existing features, or to request new features:

Error Messages

When running the decomposition

The decomposition is forbidden, and an error message is displayed, if one of the following conditions applies:

  • The built INITIALISATION events of the sub-machines would define an action modifying at the same time a private variable and a shared variable.
    Action {0} of the INITIALISATION event modifies a private variable and a shared variable
    See Ensuring that a shared variable is not refined by an initialization event for further explanations.
  • The sub-models shall be created in new Event-B projects, but one of the entered project names already exists.
    The project {0} should not exist
  • The same project name has been entered for two distinct sub-models.
    Duplicate sub-model names: {0}

When running the static checker

The following rules are enforced by the static checker, and errors are returned (in the Rodin Problems view) accordingly:

  • A shared variable shall be present in subsequent refinements.
    Shared variable {0} has disappeared
  • A shared variable shall still have the shared attribute in subsequent refinements.
    Inconsistent nature of shared variable {0}, shared expected
  • An external event shall be present in subsequent refinements.
    External event {0} has disappeared
  • An external event shall still have the external attribute in subsequent refinements.
    Inconsistent status of external event {0}, external expected
  • An external event shall have the extended attribute in subsequent refinements.
    Inconsistent status of external event {0}, extended expected
  • An external event shall not declare any additional parameter in subsequent refinements.
    Parameters cannot be added in external events
  • An external event shall not declare any additional guard in subsequent refinements.
    Guards cannot be added in external events
  • An external event shall not declare any additional action in subsequent refinements.
    Actions cannot be added in external events
  • An INITIALISATION event shall not contain an action modifying at the same time a private variable and a shared variable.
    Action {0} of the INITIALISATION event modifies a private variable and a shared variable
  • The actions of an INITIALISATION event modifying a shared variable shall be present and be syntactically equal in subsequent refinements.
    Action {0} of the INITIALISATION event has disappeared

For additional information, see:

Tips and Tricks

Shared variables (A-style) decomposition

  • An invariant is missing in a sub-machine, but I would like to have it copied.
    For example, an invariant between a concrete variable and some abstract variable may be useful.
    A solution is to add a theorem based on the missing predicate in the non-decomposed machine. See the last paragraph about the invariants in the Event-B Model Decomposition page.
  • An axiom is missing in a sub-context, but I would like to have it copied.
    Such a situation may be encountered if the "Decompose contexts" option is checked.
    The workaround proposed for the invariants applies to the axioms as well.
    For example, if the non-decomposed context defines the axiom a \in S, and this axiom is not copied in a sub-context which contains the S carrier set but does not contain the a constant, then the information S \neq \emptyset is lost. In order to keep it, it is possible to add the theorem \exists x \qdot x \in S in the non-decomposed context.
  • A variable is tagged as private in a sub-machine, but I would like to have it tagged shared.
    Such a behavior is suitable if you want to prevent this variable from being further refined.
    A solution for such a variable v of a sub-machine M_i is to add a fake action v \bcmeq v in a event of the non-decomposed machine which is associated to the sub-machine M_j (M_i and M_j are distinct sub-machines) when performing the decomposition.
    In the first example below, the min variable will become private when performing the decomposition:

    In the second example below, the min variable will become shared when performing the decomposition: