Constrained Dynamic Parser

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Revision as of 13:26, 30 January 2010 by imported>Mathieu (Requirements, a bit of state of the art + some analysis)
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This page describes the requirements for a generic parser for the Event-B Mathematical Language. It will also draft a first design proposal.


In order to be usable mathematical extensions require the event-b mathematical language syntax to be extendable by the final user.

Thus, the lexical analyser and the syntaxic parser have to be extendable in a simple enough way (from a user point of vue).

Requirements Exported by the Current Language Design

Operator Priority

  • operator are defined by group,
  • group of operator have a defined precedences,
  • there may be precedences defined inside groups.

Operator Associativity

  • a compatibility table defines allowed associativity inside a group,
  • a compatibility tables defines allowed associativity between groups (it allows to forbid a syntaxic construction like f(x)^{-1}\;
nota: this requirement was added afterwards with consistency in mind.

Expected Extension Schemes

We do want to at least define operators of the following form :

  • infix : a + b\; or a \vdash b : c\;
  • prefix : \neg a\;
  • postfix :  R^*\;
  • closed : \|a\|\;
  • parentheses sugar : (a +b) * c\;
  • functional postfix :  a \langle b \rangle\;
  • functional prefix :   \langle b \rangle f\;
  • lambda like :  \lambda x\mapsto y . P | E\;
  • Union like :  \Union\{ e \mid P\} or  \Union\{ x,y . P \mid e\}
  • sets : \{a, b, c + e\}\; or \{ e \mid P\}\; or \{x,y . P \mid e\}\;

We also like to define precisely precedences and associativity between existing and new operators.

Requirements exported by the dynamic feature

  • the precedence should not be enumerated but defined by a relation, like: '+' < '*' and '*' < '**', ...


Design Alternatives

Make Existing Parser Extendable

The existing parser is a LL recursive descent parser generated by the Coco/R Compiler Generator, which makes extensive use of pre-computed lookahead, which makes it very difficult to be transformed in a sufficiently enough generic parser.

Parser Combinator

This paper is interesting in its proposal of using an acyclic graph to define operator precedence.

Pratt Parser

Some Existing Extendable Languages

Design Proposal