Scenarios for Merging Proofs
From Event-B
This page is a first tentative to describe the scenario that a merge tool will have to face.
Proof structure
With respect to the merging objective, a proof is made of:
- a component name,
- a unique identifier inside that component, which is same as the PO identifier,
- a proof tree, either manual or automatic,
- a proof status (PO discharged or not by the proof tree)
Rodin database implementation
Each component
is associated with:
- a compname.bprfile, which contains the proof trees associated with each PO (1/, 2/ and 3/ before).
- a compname.bpsfile, which contains the proof status associated with each PO (2/, 5/ and 3/ - discharged or not, manual or automatic)
- a compname.bpofile, which contains the PO (1/ and 2/ + PO content).
Merging scenarios
PO being uniquely identified, it may be enough to consider a merge taking place PO by PO.
In the following we call L the local database/user/branch, O the other database/user/branch and A the database which reflects the common state from which L and O have departed (A, for ancestor). We also consider L and O as being symmetrical.
TODO: Describe the different scenarios, and the proposed merging actions