Adding Manual Inference Reasoners

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Beside the input sequent, reasoners of this type have two extra inputs specify the hypothesis or the goal and the position inside the predicate when apply an inference rule to the input sequent. As an example, consider the following inference rule (called IMP_R).

\frac{H, P \vdash Q}{H \vdash P \limp Q} IMP_R

In this simple case the location is the location of the implication symbol in the goal.

Declare the Reasoner

  • Create a new plug-in project, e.g. org.eventb.contributors.seqprover.implinference. Deselect the plug-in options for "Generating an activator" and "Contribution to the UI".
  • Add dependency on the project org.eventb.core.seqprover
  • Add an extension for org.eventb.core.seqprover.reasoners for our implication rewrite reasoner, e.g.
<extension point="org.eventb.core.seqprover.reasoners">

(add the key manualInferenceName to the accordingly).

  • We will use Tom to implement the reasoner class itself.

Implement the Reasoner

The following steps is for implementing the reasoner using Tom.

  • Create a package within the src folder of the project with the name org.eventb.internal.contributors.seqprover.implinference.
  • Create a Tom file within the newly created package with the name AutoInference.t.
  • The content of the Tom file looks like this.
package org.eventb.internal.contributors.seqprover.implinference;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;

import org.eventb.core.ast.AssociativeExpression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.AssociativePredicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.AtomicExpression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.BinaryExpression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.BinaryPredicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.BoolExpression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.BoundIdentDecl;
import org.eventb.core.ast.BoundIdentifier;
import org.eventb.core.ast.DefaultFilter;
import org.eventb.core.ast.Expression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.Formula;
import org.eventb.core.ast.FormulaFactory;
import org.eventb.core.ast.FreeIdentifier;
import org.eventb.core.ast.Identifier;
import org.eventb.core.ast.IntegerLiteral;
import org.eventb.core.ast.IPosition;
import org.eventb.core.ast.LiteralPredicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.PowerSetType;
import org.eventb.core.ast.Predicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.ProductType;
import org.eventb.core.ast.QuantifiedExpression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.QuantifiedPredicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.RelationalPredicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.SetExtension;
import org.eventb.core.ast.SimplePredicate;
import org.eventb.core.ast.Type;
import org.eventb.core.ast.UnaryExpression;
import org.eventb.core.ast.UnaryPredicate;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.eventbExtensions.Tactics;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.IProverSequent;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.IHypAction;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.ProverFactory;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.SequentProver;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.IProofRule.IAntecedent;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.eventbExtensions.Lib;
import org.eventb.core.seqprover.eventbExtensions.Tactics;
import org.eventb.internal.core.seqprover.eventbExtensions.AbstractManualInference;

 * Basic implementation for "manual implication inference"
public class ManualInference extends AbstractManualInference {

  %include {Formula.tom}
  public String getReasonerID() {
    return "org.eventb.contributors.seqprover.implinference.manualInference";

  protected String getDisplayName() {
    return "Manual deduction";

  protected IAntecedent[] getAntecedents(IProverSequent seq, Predicate pred,
      IPosition position) {
    if (pred != null)
      return null; // This must be applied to goal
    if (position != IPosition.ROOT)
      return null; // The applicable position must be ROOT (the implication).

    Predicate goal = seq.goal();
    Predicate P = null;
    Predicate Q = null;
    %match (Predicate goal) {

       * Deduction: 
       *           H, P |- Q
       *         -----------
       *          H |- P => Q
      Limp(PP, QQ) -> {
        P = `PP;
        Q = `QQ;


    if (P == null)
      return null;
    // There will be 1 antecidents
    IAntecedent[] antecidents = new IAntecedent[1];

    // Added hypothesis P	
    Set<Predicate> addedHyps = new HashSet<Predicate>(1);
    // Select the new hypothesis P
    IHypAction hypAction = ProverFactory.makeSelectHypAction(addedHyps);
    antecidents[0] = ProverFactory.makeAntecedent(Q, addedHyps, hypAction);

    return antecidents;

  • The implementation is based on org.eventb.internal.core.seqprover.eventbExtensions.AbstractManualInference. (For the moment, the class is internal within the project and subjected to be changed. Clients can make a copy of this class to develop their own implementation).
  • Clients need to implement first the two methods to return the reasoner id, getReasonerID(), and return the display name, getDisplayName().
  • Moreover, clients need to implement the method for getting the actual antecedents getAntecedents(IProverSequent seq)
    • The input of the method is the sequent, a hypothesis predicate (null if the apply to goal), and a position within the predicate
    • The method return the list of antecedents to implement the inference rule.
    • Here the extra input, i.e. hypothesis predicate and position is used to check the applicability of the reasoner. In more complicated reasoners, these input can also influence the outcome of the reasoner.
    • Tom is used here to do pattern matching. In our case, match the goal with P \limp Q.
    • Methods for construct hypothesis actions, antecedent, etc. can be found in class org.eventb.core.seqprover.ProverFactory.