UML-B notes for 2.0.1

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Refresh problems on MAC only

Problem - Properties view does not always appear correctly when a new element is selected.

Workaround - Resize the properties view

Problem - Class diagram does not refresh when model changes

Workaround - Close and re-open the diagram

Unsolved from previous versions

Machine level diagram elements can be dragged into Classes

Problem - Machine level variables, events, statemachines can be dragged into the corresponding compartment of a Class. Once there it is difficult to remove them again.

Workaround - Avoid doing it in the first place. If necessary delete the element and recreate it.

Minor bugs

Inverse function ~ doesn't work with dot notation. Use normal event-B notation instead.

Diagram and Event-B file names are not changed/deleted if model is altered directly from EMF editors or model tab of properties view

Supertype links cannot be drawn to Refined Class or Extended Class Type

Machine variables cannot be retained in refinement without repeating their type invariant