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====Bugs ====
====Bugs ====
* Multiline comments which are created with the graphical Event-B editor are not pretty-printed correctly. This results in a syntax error. ''Workaround'': Correct the multiline comment manually.
* ''please add it when you fine one''
* Sometimes the order of elements, for example invariants, is changed without notice when saving or loading. ''Workaround'': None so far.

====Feature Requests ====
====Feature Requests ====

Revision as of 13:51, 27 May 2009

The first version of the Text Editor will be released in a few weeks, that means in second half of June and not before the Rodin release 1.0 has been published.

Until then we are going to release a few testing releases (beta) for interested users. You will find instructions how to install and use these beta releases on this page.


Don't use the TextEditor yet with your production models!

  • The TextEditor is still in development
  • It is based on latest SVN Rodin version which uses a changed database model. Therefore its projects cannot be used in older Rodin versions.


The TextEditor relies on features of the Rodin release 1.0 which is not yet released. Therefore you will have to create a new Rodin installation. The following steps will guide you through this process:

  1. Download a build of Rodin from our CruiseControl server:
    1. Point your browser to
    2. Download a zip file with a name starting with rodin-product and matching your platform. For example if you are working on a Linux system.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Start Rodin from the folder where you extracted the zip file in the previous step.
  4. Install the TextEditor:
    1. In the menu choose Help -> Software Updates...
    2. Select the tab Available Software and click Add Site...
    3. Use the location URL:
    4. Back in Available Software open the update site you just added
    5. Select Event-B EMF Framework and Event-B TextEditor and click Install...
  5. Restart Rodin as suggested.

Now you are ready to use the TextEditor.


As often as possible we are going to publish updated beta releases. We recommend that you update your new Rodin installation with these updates for the TextEditor (and EMF Framework).

Although we will try to announce these updates on this site too, it is a lot easier if you setup Rodin to let you know when an update is available. The following steps guide you through this process:

  1. In Rodin open the preferences (Window -> Preferences or for Mac: Rodin -> Preferences)
  2. Find Install/Update -> Automatic Updates
  3. Select Automatically find new updates and notify me

As soon as Rodin finds a new update it will ask you if you would like to install it.


This section should help you to get started with the TextEditor.

Opening with the TextEditor

At the moment the TextEditor competes with the current graphical Event-B editor when it comes to the selection of a default editor for the double click action to open a model file.

Thus from time to time you might experience that an unexpected editor opens. If this happens you can right-click on the model file and select Open with TextEditor to use the text editor. Usually you should be able to just use a double-click to open a machine or context with the TextEditor.


The text syntax for machines and contexts is closely related with the pretty-print you might know from the graphical Event-B editor. See the grammar's EBNF for details.

As you might notice in the grammar it only describes the structure of machines and contexts. For the terminals predicate, expression and action you can use the syntax for formulas which you already know from editing models with the graphical Event-B editor. You can use the ASCII representation of mathematical symbols or their unicode. See the Rodin help for details about the mathematical symbols and their ASCII counterparts.


The TextEditor currently offers the following features:

  • Syntax error marking: Syntactical errors are highlighted in the input text.
  • Mathmatical language: You can type formulas in ASCII syntax and the TextEditor will replace ASCII symbols with their unicode counterparts as soon as you stop typing for a short while.
  • Syntax highlighting: Keywords (structural and in formulas), labels and comments are highlighted. This happends directly when typing
  • Semantic highlighting: Identifiers are highlighted based on their semantic meaning, i.e., as variables, constants, parameters, sets, local variables. This highlighting is updated when you stop typing for a short while.
  • Code completion: The following elements are available for code completion (invoked by Ctrl+Space on the most computers)
    • Keywords
    • Identifiers
    • Templates (very few so far, please let us know which templates you would like to add)
  • Outline View: An outline view gives you an overview of the model's structure.
  • Quick Navigation: The outline view allows clicking on an element to jump to its position within the text.

Of course the TextEditor offers the common features you know from other text editors, such as: copy, paste, moving of text (try Alt+Up or Alt+Down), undo, redo, ...

Due to some design decisions and its combination with the Rodin platform the TextEditor comes with a few restrictions:

  • Semantic analysis (for highlighting and code completion for example) can only performed if the overall structure of the input is parsable. Therefore you might experience situtions when the semantic highlighting or the code completion produces unexpected results because it is based on outdated parsing information.
  • Parsing for formulas, i.e., predicates, actions and expressions can only be performed if the overall structure of the input is parsable. If the structure is not parsable ascii symbols will not be replaced until you correct the overall structure.

Bugs and Features

Please use this section to report any bugs you find and let us know about features you would like to see in the TextEditor.

Regarding feature requests: Any feature request is welcome! But please keep in mind that we are preparing for a first stable release of the TextEditor. So we might not start working on your feature request in the next weeks. The focus until the first release is on stability!


  • please add it when you fine one

Feature Requests


Of course any other feedback is welcome too! We appreciate when you let us now what you think about the TextEditor.