How To Contribute

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What are the main community channels?

Beside the mailing lists, you may want to follow:

The Village Pump may also be useful for everything which is more or less wiki related.

How do I report a bug or a feature request?

You may use sourceforge bug and feature tracker. Please verify that your bug has not already been reported before submitting it.

You may want to submit a partial or full log which you can find in the following file


under the rodin workspace (generally



How do I get current source code?

You may get the whole Rodin Platform and most of associated Rodin Plug-ins from Subversion on SourceForge using URL

To compile the core platform from sources fetched from Subversion, download the latest stable version of Eclipse Classic and install the Subclipse plug-ins. Then, follow this procedure to fetch the source plug-ins from Subversion:

  • click File>Import...
  • select SVN>Checkout Projects from SVN and click Next
  • tick Create a new repository location and click Next
  • in the Url field, enter and click Next
  • after a while, a tree appears. Select folder trunk/RodinCore/org.rodinp.releng in the tree and click Finish
  • click File>Import...
  • select Team>Team Project Set and click Next
  • click Browse... and select file rodin-core.psf in project org.eclipse.releng, then click Finish

After a long while (around a quarter of an hour), all projects of the core Rodin platform have been retrieved from Subversion into your workspace.

You can retrieve the test plug-ins of the core platform in a similar way by repeating the last three steps but selecting file rodin-tests.psf instead.

Note: The repository was formerly CVS which is still available read-only. It is not possible to commit to the CVS repository anymore. More information is available in the Switch from CVS to Subversion page.

How do I launch the Rodin Platform from Eclipse?

Normally, you should be able to launch the Rodin Platform by launching Rodin.product in org.rodinp.platform as an Eclipse application. At the time of writing (June 11, 2009), the platform crashes, because not all the required plug-ins are included.

A workaround is to include all workspace and enabled target plug-ins in the run configuration:

  • go to run -> run configurations
  • select the newly generated run configuration
  • go to the tab "plug-ins"
  • Choose: "launch with: all workspace and enabled target plug-ins in the run configuration"

How can I access or create Rodin elements like projects, components or proofs?

This section illustrates some of the things you are likely to want to do in your plug-ins if you are extending the Rodin platform.

How do I propose a patch?

You may find useful directions and good practises in the page describing how to submit patches.