Difference between revisions of "Inference Rules"

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m (added EXISTS_INST)
(Add rule for finiteness of explicit set comprehension)
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Conventions used in these tables are described in [[The_Proving_Perspective_%28Rodin_User_Manual%29#Inference_Rules]]
<font color=red>CAUTION! Any modification to this page shall be announced on the [[#Mailing_lists |User]] mailing list!</font>
Rules that are marked with a <tt>*</tt> in the first column are implemented in the latest version of Rodin.
Rules without a <tt>*</tt> are planned to be implemented in future versions.
Other conventions used in these tables are described in [[The_Proving_Perspective_%28Rodin_User_Manual%29#Inference_Rules]].
Rules that are marked with a <tt>b</tt> in the first column are currently broken in Rodin 1.1 (see [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2895507&group_id=108850&atid=651669 bug 2895507]).
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> HYP </font>|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}} </math>||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|HYP}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}^{\dagger}} </math>|| see below for <math>\textbf{P}^{\dagger}</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|HYP_OR}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P} \lor \ldots \lor  \textbf{Q}^{\dagger} \lor \ldots \lor \textbf{R}}</math> || see below for <math>\textbf{Q}^{\dagger}</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|CNTR}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\;\textbf{nP}^{\dagger} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || see below for <math>\textbf{nP}^{\dagger}</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FALSE_HYP}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\bfalse \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> HYP_OR </font>|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P} \lor \ldots \lor  \textbf{Q} \lor \ldots \lor \textbf{R}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|TRUE_GOAL}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \btrue}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CNTR </font>|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\;\neg\,\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FUN_GOAL}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in E\;\mathit{op}\;F \;\;\vdash\;\; f\in T_1\pfun T_2}</math> || where <math>T_1</math> and <math>T_2</math> denote types and <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\pfun</math>, <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\psur</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math>. || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FALSE_HYP </font>|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\bfalse \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}}</math> || || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FUN_IMAGE_GOAL}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; f\in S_1\;\mathit{op}\;S_2,\; f(E)\in S_2\;\;\vdash\;\; \mathbf{P}(f(E))}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S_1\;\mathit{op}\;S_2\;\;\vdash\;\; \mathbf{P}(f(E))}</math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> denotes a set of relations (any arrow) and <math>\mathbf{P}</math> is WD strict || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> TRUE_GOAL </font>|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \btrue}</math> || || A
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|FUN_GOAL_REC}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S_1\;\mathit{op_1}\;(S_2\;\mathit{op_2}\;(\ldots(S_n\;\mathit{op_n}(U\;\mathit{opf}\;V\;))\ldots)) \;\vdash\;\; f(E_1)(E_2)...(E_n)\in T_1\pfun T_2}</math> || where <math>T_1</math> and <math>T_2</math> denote types, <math>\mathit{op}</math> denotes a set of relations (any arrow) and <math>\mathit{opf}</math> is one of <math>\pfun</math>, <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\psur</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math>. || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> DBL_HYP </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\;\textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DBL_HYP}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\;\textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> AND_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\textbf{P},\textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \land \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;   
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|AND_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\textbf{P},\textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \land \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;   
\textbf{R}}</math> ||  || A
\textbf{R}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> AND_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} \qquad \textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} \; \land \; \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|AND_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} \qquad \textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} \; \land \; \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> IMP_L1 </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q},\; \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \textbf{R} \limp \textbf{S} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{T}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q},\; \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \land \ldots \land \textbf{R} \limp \textbf{S} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{T} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|IMP_L1}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q},\; \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \textbf{R} \limp \textbf{S} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{T}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q},\; \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \land \ldots \land \textbf{R} \limp \textbf{S} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{T} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> IMP_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}, \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IMP_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}, \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> IMP_AND_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q},  \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp  \textbf{Q} \land \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IMP_AND_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q},  \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp  \textbf{Q} \land \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> IMP_OR_L </font>|| <math>\frac{
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IMP_OR_L}}|| <math>\frac{
\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{R},  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \lor  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}</math> ||  || A
\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{R},  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \lor  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> NEG_IN_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , c\} \; \; \vdash \; \; \; \; \textbf{P} }{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , b, \ldots , c\} , \neg \, (E=b) \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|AUTO_MH}}|| <math>\frac{
\textbf{H},\textbf{P},\;\textbf{Q}\limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\; \textbf{P} \land  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|NEG_IN_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , c\},\; \neg\, (E=b)  \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P} }{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , b, \ldots , c\} , \neg \, (E=b) \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> NEG_IN_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , c\} \; \; \vdash \; \; \; \; \textbf{P} }{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , b, \ldots , c\} , \neg \, (b=E) \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|NEG_IN_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , c\},\; \neg\, (b=E)  \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P} }{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , b, \ldots , c\} , \neg \, (b=E) \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> XST_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;  \textbf{P(x)} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|XST_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;  \textbf{P(x)} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}
\textbf{H},\;  \exists \, \textbf{x}\, \qdot\, \textbf{P(x)} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}
\textbf{H},\;  \exists \, \textbf{x}\, \qdot\, \textbf{P(x)} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}
}</math> ||  || A
}</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> ALL_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}\; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }{ \textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \forall \textbf{x}\, \qdot\, \textbf{P(x)} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|ALL_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}\; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }{ \textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \forall \textbf{x}\, \qdot\, \textbf{P(x)} }</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> EQL_LR </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(E)} \; \; \vdash \; \; \; \;  \textbf{P(E)} }{\textbf{H(x)},\; x=E \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }</math> || <math>x</math> is a variable which is not free in <math>E</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EQL_LR}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(E)} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P(E)} }{\textbf{H(x)},\; x=E \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }</math> || <math>x</math> is a variable which is not free in <math>E</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> EQL_RL </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(E)} \; \; \vdash \; \; \; \;  \textbf{P(E)} }{\textbf{H(x)},\; E=x \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }</math> || <math>x</math> is a variable which is not free in <math>E</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EQL_RL}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(E)} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P(E)} }{\textbf{H(x)},\; E=x \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }</math> || <math>x</math> is a variable which is not free in <math>E</math> || A
{{RRRow}}| ||<font size="-2"> SUBSET_INTER </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{T} \subseteq \textbf{U} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|SUBSET_INTER}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{T} \subseteq \textbf{U} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{V})}
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{V})}
{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{T} \subseteq \textbf{U} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{T} \subseteq \textbf{U} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{V})}</math> || the <math>\binter</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || A
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{V})}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{T}</math> and <math>\mathbf{U}</math> are not bound by <math>\mathbf{G}</math> || A
{{RRRow}}| ||<font size="-2"> IN_INTER </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|IN_INTER}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}
{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}</math> || the <math>\binter</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || A
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{E}</math> and <math>\mathbf{T}</math> are not bound by <math>\mathbf{G}</math> || A
{{RRRow}}| ||<font size="-2"> NOTIN_INTER </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\lnot\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|NOTIN_INTER}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\lnot\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{\textbf{H},\;\lnot\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
{\textbf{H},\;\lnot\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\;  
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}</math> || the <math>\binter</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || A
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{E}</math> and <math>\mathbf{T}</math> are not bound by <math>\mathbf{G}</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_L_LOWER_BOUND_L}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)}</math> || The goal is discharged || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_L_LOWER_BOUND_R}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \geq n)}</math> || The goal is discharged || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CONTRADICT_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \neg\,\textbf{P}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_L_UPPER_BOUND_L}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \geq x)}</math> || The goal is discharged || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CONTRADICT_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \bfalse}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_L_UPPER_BOUND_R}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)}</math> || The goal is discharged || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CASE </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}, \; \textbf{P} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} \  \  \  \  \ldots \  \  \  \  \textbf{H}, \; \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \lor \ldots \lor \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{R} }</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|CONTRADICT_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \neg\,\textbf{P}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> MH </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{P} \qquad \textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\; \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} \ \ \ \ \ }</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|CONTRADICT_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \bfalse}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> HM </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q},\; \neg\,\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} \ \ \ \ \ }</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|CASE}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}, \; \textbf{P} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{R} \qquad\ldots\qquad \textbf{H}, \; \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \lor \ldots \lor \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{R} }</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> EQV </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(Q)}, \textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q}  
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IMP_CASE}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}, \; \lnot\textbf{P} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} \qquad \textbf{H}, \; \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \limp\textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} }</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|MH}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{P} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|HM}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EQV_LR}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(Q)},\; \textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q}  
\;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G(Q)}}{\textbf{H(P)},\;\textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q}  
\;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G(Q)}}{\textbf{H(P)},\;\textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q}  
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G(P)} \ \ \ \ \ }</math> ||  || M
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G(P)}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EQV_RL}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H(P)},\; \textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q}
\;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G(P)}}{\textbf{H(Q)},\;\textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q}
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G(Q)}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> OV_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G=E   
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|OV_SETENUM_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G=E   
,\;\textbf{P}(F)\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,(G=E)   
,\;\textbf{P}(F)\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,(G=E)   
,\;\textbf{P}((\{E\}) \domsub f)(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P}((f\ovl\{E  
\mapsto F\})(G)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || the <math>\ovl</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || M
\mapsto F\})(G)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{P}</math> is WD strict || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> OV_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G=E \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(F)  
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|OV_SETENUM_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G=E \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(F)  
\qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,(G=E)  \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f(G))}{\textbf{H}  
\qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,(G=E)  \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}((\{E\}) \domsub f)(G))}{\textbf{H}  
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f\ovl\{E \mapsto F\})(G)) \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the <math>\ovl</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || M
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f\ovl\{E \mapsto F\})(G))}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{Q}</math> is WD strict || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> OV_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G \in \dom(g)  ,\;\textbf{P}(g(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,G \in \dom(g)  ,\;\textbf{P}(f(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P}((f\ovl g)(G)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the <math>\ovl</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|OV_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G \in \dom(g)  ,\;\textbf{P}(g(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,G \in \dom(g)  ,\;\textbf{P}((\dom(g) \domsub f)(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P}((f\ovl g)(G)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{P}</math> is WD strict || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> OV_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G \in \dom(g) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(g(G)) \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\, G \in \dom(g) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f(G))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f\ovl g)(G)) \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the <math>\ovl</math> operator must appear at the "top level" || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|OV_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\; G \in \dom(g) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(g(G)) \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\, G \in \dom(g) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}((\dom(g) \domsub f)(G))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f\ovl g)(G))}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{Q}</math> is WD strict || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> DIS_BINTER_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \binter f[T]) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \binter T]) \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the occurrence of <math>f^{-1}</math> must appear at the "top level". Moreover <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> denote some type. Similar left distribution rules exist || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DIS_BINTER_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \binter f[T]) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \binter T])}</math> || where <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> denote types. || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> DIS_SETMINUS_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f^{-1}[S] \setminus f^{-1}[T]) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(f^{-1}[S \setminus T]) \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the occurrence of <math>f^{-1}</math> must appear at the "top level". Moreover <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> denote some type. Similar left distribution rules exist || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DIS_BINTER_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H},\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \binter f[T]) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \binter T]) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || where <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> denote types. || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> SIM_REL_IMAGE_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; {WD}(\textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} )) \qquad\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} ) }{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}(f[\{ E\} ])} </math> || the occurrence of <math>f</math> must appear at the "top level". A similar left simplification rule exists. || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DIS_SETMINUS_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \setminus f[T]) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \setminus T])}</math> || where <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> denote types. || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> SIM_FCOMP_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))))    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f \fcomp g)(x)) \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the occurrence of <math>f \fcomp g</math> must appear at the "top level". A similar left simplification rule exists. || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DIS_SETMINUS_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H},\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \setminus f[T]) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \setminus T]) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || where <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> denote types. || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_SUBSETEQ_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_REL_IMAGE_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; {WD}(\textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} )) \qquad\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} ) }{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}(f[\{ E\} ])} </math> || || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_BINTER_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_REL_IMAGE_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; {WD}(\textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} )) \qquad\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\}) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(f[\{ E\} ]) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G} } </math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_FCOMP_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))))    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f \fcomp g)(x))}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_FCOMP_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))))    \qquad\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(g(f(x))) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}((f \fcomp g)(x)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_SUBSETEQ_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S)}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_BINTER_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\finite\,(S) \;\lor\;\ldots \;\lor\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\finite\,(S) \;\lor\;\ldots \;\lor\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(S \;\binter\;\ldots \;\binter\; T)}</math> ||  || M
\;\; \finite\,(S \;\binter\;\ldots \;\binter\; T)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_SETMINUS_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_KINTER_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\finite\,(S)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S \;\setminus\; T) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || || M
\;\;\exists s\, \qdot\, s \in S \land \finite\,(s)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(\inter(S))}</math> || where <math>s</math> is fresh || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_REL_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; r \;\in\; S \rel T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r)}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \rel T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_QINTER_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\exists s\, \qdot\, P \land \finite\,(E)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(\Inter s\,\qdot\,P\,\mid\,E)}</math> || || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_REL_IMG_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r[s]) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_BUNION_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\finite\,(S) \;\land\;\ldots \;\land\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(S \;\bunion\;\ldots \;\bunion\; T)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_REL_RAN_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\ran(r)) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S  \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_KUNION_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(S) \;\land\; (\forall s\, \qdot\, s \in S \limp \finite\,(s))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(\union(S))}</math> || where <math>s</math> is fresh || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_REL_DOM_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\dom(r)) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_QUNION_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite(\{s\qdot P\mid E\})\;\land\;(\forall s\, \qdot\, P \limp \finite\,(E))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\; \finite\,(\Union s\,\qdot\,P\,\mid\,E)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_FUN1_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_SETMINUS_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\finite\,(S)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S \;\setminus\; T)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_FUN2_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f^{-1} \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|FIN_COMPSET_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash  
\;\;\finite\,(\{x \,\mid\, P(x)\})}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\{x \,\qdot\, P(x) \,\mid\, F(x)\})}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_FUN_IMG_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(s) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f[s]) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>\pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|FIN_REL}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; r\in S\;\mathit{op}\;T,\; \finite\,(S),\; \finite\,(T) \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r)}</math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> denotes a set of relations (any arrow) || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_FUN_RAN_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\ran(f)) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_REL_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\rel T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; r \;\in\; S \rel T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r)}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \rel T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_FUN_DOM_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f^{-1} \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\dom(f)) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_REL_IMG_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r[s])}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> LOWER_BOUND_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_REL_RAN_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\ran(r))}</math> || || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> LOWER_BOUND_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \geq n)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_REL_DOM_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\dom(r))}</math> || || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> UPPER_BOUND_L </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \geq x)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN_DOM}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S\;\mathit{op}\;T,\; \finite\,(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)}</math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\pfun</math>, <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\psur</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> UPPER_BOUND_R </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN_RAN}}|| <math>\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S\;\mathit{op}\;T,\; \finite\,(T) \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)}</math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_LT_0 </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)  \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq \intg \setminus \natn }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN1_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FIN_GE_0 </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)  \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq \nat }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN2_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f^{-1} \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CARD_INTERV </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\, a \leq b \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(b-a+1) \qquad \textbf{H},\, b < a \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(0) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{Q}(\card\,(a\upto b))}</math> || <math>\card (a \upto b)</math> must appear at "top-level" || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN_IMG_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(s) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f[s])}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>\pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CARD_EMPTY_INTERV </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\, a \leq b,\,\textbf{P}(a-b+1) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\, b < a ,\, \textbf{P}(0)\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} }{\textbf{H},\,\textbf{P}(\card\,(a\upto b))  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || <math>\card (a \upto b)</math> must appear at "top-level" || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN_RAN_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\ran(f))}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>\pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CARD_SUBSETEQ </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(S \subseteq T) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card\,(S) \leq \card(T))}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_FUN_DOM_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f^{-1} \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\dom(f))}</math> || the user has to write the set corresponding to <math>S \pfun T</math> in the editing area of the Proof Control Window || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FORALL_INST </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H} , [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|LOWER_BOUND_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> FORALL_INST_MP </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H}, {WD}(E) \;\;\vdash \;\; [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E), [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> and a Modus Ponens is applied|| M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|LOWER_BOUND_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \geq n)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> CUT </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(\textbf{P}) \qquad \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{\textbf{P}} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || hypothesis <math>\textbf{P}</math> is added || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|UPPER_BOUND_L}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)  }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \geq x)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}|*||<font size="-2"> EXISTS_INST </font>|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H} , [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \exists x \qdot \textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|UPPER_BOUND_R}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)  }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)}</math> || <math>S</math> must not contain any bound variable || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_LT_0}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)  \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq \intg \setminus \natn }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FIN_GE_0}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)  \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq \nat }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)}</math> ||  || M
{{RRRow}}|||{{Rulename|CARD_INTERV}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\, a \leq b \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(b-a+1) \qquad \textbf{H},\, b < a \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(0) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{Q}(\card\,(a\upto b))}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{Q}</math> is WD strict || M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|CARD_EMPTY_INTERV}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H},\, a \leq b,\,\textbf{P}(b-a+1)  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\, b < a ,\, \textbf{P}(0)\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} }{\textbf{H},\,\textbf{P}(\card\,(a\upto b))  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{Q}}</math> || where <math>\mathbf{P}</math> is WD strict || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DERIV_LE_CARD}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; S \subseteq T}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) \leq \card(T)}</math> || <math>S</math> and <math>T</math> bear the same type || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DERIV_GE_CARD}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; T \subseteq S}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) \geq \card(T)}</math> || <math>S</math> and <math>T</math> bear the same type || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DERIV_LT_CARD}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; S \subset T}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) < \card(T)}</math> || <math>S</math> and <math>T</math> bear the same type || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DERIV_GT_CARD}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; T \subset S}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) > \card(T)}</math> || <math>S</math> and <math>T</math> bear the same type || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DERIV_EQUAL_CARD}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; S = T}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) = \card(T)}</math> || <math>S</math> and <math>T</math> bear the same type || M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|SIMP_CARD_SETMINUS_L}}||<math>\frac{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \setminus  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card(S) - \card(S\binter T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \setminus  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} </math>||  ||  M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|SIMP_CARD_SETMINUS_R}}||<math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card(S) - \card(S\binter T))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card (S \setminus  T))} </math>||  ||  M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|SIMP_CARD_CPROD_L}}||<math>\frac{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(T) \qquad \textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card(S) * \card(T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} </math>||  ||  M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|SIMP_CARD_CPROD_R}}||<math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(T) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card(S) * \card(T))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T))} </math>||  ||  M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FORALL_INST}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H} , [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FORALL_INST_MP}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E) \;\;\vdash \;\; [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E), [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> and a Modus Ponens is applied|| M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|FORALL_INST_MT}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H}, {WD}(E) \;\;\vdash \;\; [x \bcmeq E]\lnot\textbf{Q} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E), [x \bcmeq E]\lnot\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> and a Modus Tollens is applied|| M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|CUT}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(\textbf{P}) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{\textbf{P}} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || hypothesis <math>\textbf{P}</math> is added || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EXISTS_INST}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(E)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \exists x \qdot \textbf{P}(x)}</math> || <math>x</math> is instantiated with <math>E</math> || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DISTINCT_CASE}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(\textbf{P}) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{\textbf{G}} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \lnot \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math> || case distinction on predicate <math>\textbf{P}</math> || M
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|ONE_POINT_L}}||<math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H}, \forall x, \ldots, \ldots,z \qdot [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \ldots \land [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \limp [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{R} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{ \textbf{H}, \forall x, \ldots, y, \ldots, z \qdot \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land y = E \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}</math>|| The rule can be applied with <math>\forall</math> as well as with <math>\exists</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|ONE_POINT_R}}||<math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \forall x, \ldots, \ldots,z \qdot [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \ldots \land [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \limp [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{R} }{ \textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \forall x, \ldots, y, \ldots, z \qdot \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land y = E \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R} }</math>|| The rule can be applied with <math>\forall</math> as well as with <math>\exists</math> ||  A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_OV_REL}}|| <math> \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\rel B} </math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\rel</math>, <math>\trel</math>, <math>\srel</math>, <math>\strel</math>, <math>\pfun</math>, <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\psur</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_OV_TREL}}|| <math> \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\trel B} </math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\trel</math>, <math>\strel</math>, <math>\tfun</math>,<math>\tinj</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_OV_PFUN}}|| <math> \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\pfun B} </math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\pfun</math>, <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\psur</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SIM_OV_TFUN}}|| <math> \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\tfun B} </math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|INDUC_NAT}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; x\in\nat \qquad \textbf{H}, x=0 \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(x) \qquad \textbf{H}, n\in\nat, \textbf{P}(n) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(n+1)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(x)}</math> || <math>x</math> of type <math>\intg</math> appears free in  <math>\textbf{P}</math>; <math>n</math> is introduced as a fresh identifier || M
{{RRRow}}| ||{{Rulename|INDUC_NAT_COMPL}}|| <math>\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; x\in\nat \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(0) \qquad \textbf{H}, n\in\nat, \forall k\qdot 0\leq k\land k < n \limp \textbf{P}(k) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(n)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(x)}</math> || <math>x</math> of type <math>\intg</math> appears free in  <math>\textbf{P}</math>; <math>n</math> is introduced as a fresh identifier || M
Those following rules have been implemented in the reasoner GeneralizedModusPonens.
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_HYP_HYP}}|| <math> \frac{P,\varphi(\btrue) \vdash G}{P,\varphi(P^{\dagger}) \vdash G} </math> ||  see below for <math> P^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_NOT_HYP_HYP}}|| <math> \frac{nP^{\dagger},\varphi(\bfalse) \vdash G}{nP^{\dagger},\varphi(P) \vdash G} </math> || see below for <math> P^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_HYP_GOAL}}|| <math> \frac{P \vdash \varphi(\btrue)}{P \vdash \varphi(P^{\dagger})} </math> || see below for <math> P^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_NOT_HYP_GOAL}}|| <math> \frac{nP^{\dagger} \vdash \varphi(\bfalse)}{nP^{\dagger} \vdash \varphi(P)} </math> || see below for <math> P^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_GOAL_HYP}}|| <math> \frac{H,\varphi(\bfalse)\vdash \lnot nG^{\dagger}}{H,\varphi(G)\vdash \lnot nG^{\dagger}} </math> || see below for <math> nG^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_NOT_GOAL_HYP}}|| <math> \frac{H,\varphi(\btrue)\vdash \lnot G}{H,\varphi(G^{\dagger})\vdash \lnot G} </math> || see below for <math> G^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_OR_GOAL_HYP}}|| <math> \frac{H,\varphi(\bfalse)\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor \lnot nG_i^{\dagger}\lor\cdots\lor G_n}{H,\varphi(G_i)\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor \lnot nG_i^{\dagger}\lor\cdots\lor G_n} </math> || see below for <math> nG_i^{\dagger} </math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|GENMP_OR_NOT_GOAL_HYP}}|| <math> \frac{H,\varphi(\btrue)\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor\ \lnot G_i\lor\cdots\lor G_n}{H,\varphi(G_i^{\dagger})\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor\ \lnot G_i\lor\cdots\lor G_n} </math> || see below for <math> G_i^{\dagger} </math> || A
Thos following rules have been implemented in the MembershipGoal reasoner.
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SUBSET_SUBSETEQ}}|| <math> A\subset B\vdash A\subseteq B </math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DOM_SUBSET}}|| <math> A\subseteq B\vdash \dom(A)\subseteq\dom(B)</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|RAN_SUBSET}}|| <math> A\subseteq B\vdash \ran(A)\subseteq\ran(B)</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EQUAL_SUBSETEQ_LR}}|| <math> A=B\vdash A\subseteq B</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|EQUAL_SUBSETEQ_RL}}|| <math> A=B\vdash B\subseteq A</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IN_DOM_CPROD}}|| <math> x\in\dom(A\cprod B)\vdash x\in A</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IN_RAN_CPROD}}|| <math> y\in\ran(A\cprod B)\vdash y\in B</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IN_DOM_REL}}|| <math> x\mapsto y\in f\vdash x\in\dom(f)</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|IN_RAN_REL}}|| <math> x\mapsto y\in f\vdash y\in\ran(f)</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|SETENUM_SUBSET}}|| <math> \left\{a,\cdots,x,\cdots, z\right\}\subseteq A\vdash x\in A</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|OVR_RIGHT_SUBSET}}|| <math> f\ovl\cdots\ovl g\ovl\cdots\ovl h\subseteq A\vdash g\ovl\cdots\ovl h\subseteq A</math> ||  || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|RELSET_SUBSET_CPROD}}|| <math> f\in A\;op\;B\vdash f\subseteq A\cprod B</math> || where <math>\mathit{op}</math> is one of <math>\rel</math>, <math>\trel</math>, <math>\srel</math>, <math>\strel</math>, <math>\pfun</math>, <math>\tfun</math>, <math>\pinj</math>, <math>\tinj</math>, <math>\psur</math>, <math>\tsur</math>, <math>\tbij</math> || A
{{RRRow}}|*||{{Rulename|DERIV_IN_SUBSET}}|| <math> x\in A,\;\; A\subseteq B\vdash x\in B </math> ||  || A
The conventions used in this table are described in [[Variations in HYP, CNTR and GenMP]].
{|class="RRHeader" text-align="left" border="1"  cellspacing="4" cellpadding="8" rules="all" frame="box" style="margin:1em 1em 1em 0; border-style:solid; border-color:#AAAAAA;  display:table; {{{style|}}}"
! <math>\textbf{P}</math> !! <math>\textbf{P}^{\dagger}</math> !! <math>\textbf{nP}^{\dagger}</math> !! Side Condition
{{RRRow}}| <math> a = b </math> || <math> a = b, \ \ b = a </math> <br /> <math> a \le b , \ \ b \ge a  </math> <br /> <math> a \ge b , \ \ b \le a </math> || <math> \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a </math> <br /> <math> a > b, \ \ b < a </math> <br /> <math> a < b, \ \ b > a </math> || where a and b are integers
{{RRRow}}| <math> a < b </math> || <math> a < b, \ \ b > a </math> <br /> <math> a \le b, \ \ b \ge a </math> <br /> <math> \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a </math> || <math> a \ge b, \ \ b \le a </math> <br /> <math> a > b, \ \ b < a </math> <br /> <math> a = b, \ \ b = a </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> a > b </math> || <math> a > b, \ \ b < a </math> <br /> <math> a \ge b, \ \ b \le a </math> <br /> <math> \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a </math> || <math> a \le b, \ \ b \ge a </math> <br /> <math> a < b, \ \ b > a </math> <br /> <math> a = b, \ \ b = a  </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> a \le b </math> || <math> a \le b, \ \ b \ge a </math> || <math> a > b, \ \ b < a </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> a \ge b </math> || <math> a \ge b, \ \ b \le a </math> || <math> a < b, \ \ b > a </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> \lnot a = b </math> || <math> \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a </math> || <math> a = b, \ \ b = a </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> A = B </math> || <math> A = B, \ \ B = A </math> <br /> <math> A \subseteq B, \ \ B \subseteq A  </math> <br /> <math> \lnot A \subset B, \ \ \lnot B \subset A </math> || <math> \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A </math> <br /> <math> \lnot A \subseteq B, \ \ \lnot B \subseteq A </math> <br /> <math> \ \ A \subset B, \ \ B \subset A </math> || where A and B are sets
{{RRRow}}| <math> A \subseteq B </math> || <math> A \subseteq B, \lnot B \subset A </math> || <math> \lnot A \subseteq B, B \subset A </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> A \subset B </math> || <math> A \subset B, \ \ A \subseteq B </math> <br /> <math> \lnot B \subset A, \ \ \lnot B \subseteq A </math> <br /> <math> \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A</math> || <math> \lnot A \subset B, \ \ \lnot A \subseteq B  </math> <br /> <math> B \subset A, \ \ B \subseteq A </math> <br /> <math> A = B, \ \ B = A </math>||
{{RRRow}}| <math> \lnot A = B </math> || <math> \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A </math> || <math> A = B, \ \ B = A </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> \lnot A \subseteq B </math> || <math> \lnot A \subseteq B, \ \ \lnot A \subset B </math> <br /> <math> \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A </math> || <math> A \subseteq B, \ \ A \subset B </math> <br /> <math> A = B, \ \ B = A </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> \lnot A \subset B </math> || <math> \lnot A \subset B </math> || <math> A \subset B </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> e = f </math> || <math> e = f, \ \ f = e </math> ||<math> \lnot e = f, \ \ \lnot f = e </math> || where e and f are scalars
{{RRRow}}| <math> \lnot e = f </math> || <math> \lnot e = f, \ \ \lnot  f = e </math> || <math> e = f, \ \ f = e </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> \textbf{P} </math> || <math> \textbf{P} </math> || <math> \lnot \textbf{P} </math> ||
{{RRRow}}| <math> \lnot \textbf{P} </math> || || <math> \textbf{P} </math> ||
See also [[Extension Proof Rules#Inference Rules]].
[[Category:User documentation|The Proving Perspective]]
[[Category:User documentation|The Proving Perspective]]
[[Category:Rodin Platform|The Proving Perspective]]
[[Category:Rodin Platform|The Proving Perspective]]
[[Category:User manual|The Proving Perspective]]
[[Category:User manual|The Proving Perspective]]

Revision as of 10:22, 1 February 2024

CAUTION! Any modification to this page shall be announced on the User mailing list!

Rules that are marked with a * in the first column are implemented in the latest version of Rodin. Rules without a * are planned to be implemented in future versions. Other conventions used in these tables are described in The_Proving_Perspective_(Rodin_User_Manual)#Inference_Rules.

  Name Rule Side Condition A/M

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}^{\dagger}} see below for \textbf{P}^{\dagger} A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P} \lor \ldots \lor  \textbf{Q}^{\dagger} \lor \ldots \lor \textbf{R}} see below for \textbf{Q}^{\dagger} A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\;\textbf{nP}^{\dagger} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}} see below for \textbf{nP}^{\dagger} A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\bfalse \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}} A

\frac{}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \btrue} A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in E\;\mathit{op}\;F \;\;\vdash\;\; f\in T_1\pfun T_2} where T_1 and T_2 denote types and \mathit{op} is one of \pfun, \tfun, \pinj, \tinj, \psur, \tsur, \tbij. A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; f\in S_1\;\mathit{op}\;S_2,\; f(E)\in S_2\;\;\vdash\;\; \mathbf{P}(f(E))}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S_1\;\mathit{op}\;S_2\;\;\vdash\;\; \mathbf{P}(f(E))} where \mathit{op} denotes a set of relations (any arrow) and \mathbf{P} is WD strict M

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S_1\;\mathit{op_1}\;(S_2\;\mathit{op_2}\;(\ldots(S_n\;\mathit{op_n}(U\;\mathit{opf}\;V\;))\ldots)) \;\vdash\;\; f(E_1)(E_2)...(E_n)\in T_1\pfun T_2} where T_1 and T_2 denote types, \mathit{op} denotes a set of relations (any arrow) and \mathit{opf} is one of \pfun, \tfun, \pinj, \tinj, \psur, \tsur, \tbij. A

\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\;\textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}} A

\frac{\textbf{H},\textbf{P},\textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \land \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  
\textbf{R}} A

\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} \qquad \textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} \; \land \; \textbf{Q}} A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q},\; \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \textbf{R} \limp \textbf{S} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{T}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q},\; \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \land \ldots \land \textbf{R} \limp \textbf{S} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{T} } A

\frac{\textbf{H}, \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}} A

\frac{\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q},  \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp  \textbf{Q} \land \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}} A

\textbf{H},\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{R},  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \lor  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}} A

\textbf{H},\textbf{P},\;\textbf{Q}\limp \textbf{R}\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P},\; \textbf{P} \land  \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{S}} A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , c\},\; \neg\, (E=b)  \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P} }{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , b, \ldots , c\} , \neg \, (E=b) \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} } A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , c\},\; \neg\, (b=E)  \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P} }{\textbf{H},\; E \in \{ a,\ldots , b, \ldots , c\} , \neg \, (b=E) \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P} } A

\frac{\textbf{H},\;  \textbf{P(x)} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}
\textbf{H},\;  \exists \, \textbf{x}\, \qdot\, \textbf{P(x)} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}
} A

\frac{\textbf{H}\; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} }{ \textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \forall \textbf{x}\, \qdot\, \textbf{P(x)} } A

\frac{\textbf{H(E)} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P(E)} }{\textbf{H(x)},\; x=E \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} } x is a variable which is not free in E A

\frac{\textbf{H(E)} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{P(E)} }{\textbf{H(x)},\; E=x \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{P(x)} } x is a variable which is not free in E A

\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{T} \subseteq \textbf{U} \;\;\vdash \;\; 
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{V})}
{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{T} \subseteq \textbf{U} \;\;\vdash \;\; 
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{V})} where \mathbf{T} and \mathbf{U} are not bound by \mathbf{G} A

\frac{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\; 
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})}
{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\; 
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})} where \mathbf{E} and \mathbf{T} are not bound by \mathbf{G} A

\frac{\textbf{H},\;\lnot\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\; 
{\textbf{H},\;\lnot\;\textbf{E} \in \textbf{T} \;\;\vdash \;\; 
\textbf{G}(\textbf{S} \binter \dots \binter \{\textbf{E}\} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{T} \binter \dots \binter \textbf{U})} where \mathbf{E} and \mathbf{T} are not bound by \mathbf{G} A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)} The goal is discharged A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \geq n)} The goal is discharged A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \geq x)} The goal is discharged A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\;\finite(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)} The goal is discharged A

\frac{\textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \neg\,\textbf{P}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}} M

\frac{\textbf{H},\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \bfalse}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}} M

\frac{\textbf{H}, \; \textbf{P} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} \qquad\ldots\qquad \textbf{H}, \; \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \lor \ldots \lor \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} } M

\frac{\textbf{H}, \; \lnot\textbf{P} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} \qquad \textbf{H}, \; \textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{P} \limp\textbf{Q} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{R} } M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{P} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R}} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\neg\,\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R} }{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{R}} M

\frac{\textbf{H(Q)},\; \textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q} 
\;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G(Q)}}{\textbf{H(P)},\;\textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q} 
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G(P)}} M

\frac{\textbf{H(P)},\; \textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q} 
\;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G(P)}}{\textbf{H(Q)},\;\textbf{P} \leqv \textbf{Q} 
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G(Q)}} M

\frac{\textbf{H},\; G=E  
,\;\textbf{P}(F)\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,(G=E)  
,\;\textbf{P}((\{E\}) \domsub f)(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P}((f\ovl\{E 
\mapsto F\})(G)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}} where \mathbf{P} is WD strict A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; G=E \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(F) 
\qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,(G=E)  \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}((\{E\}) \domsub f)(G))}{\textbf{H} 
\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f\ovl\{E \mapsto F\})(G))} where \mathbf{Q} is WD strict A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; G \in \dom(g)  ,\;\textbf{P}(g(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\,G \in \dom(g)  ,\;\textbf{P}((\dom(g) \domsub f)(G))\;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}}{\textbf{H},\;\textbf{P}((f\ovl g)(G)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}} where \mathbf{P} is WD strict A

\frac{\textbf{H},\; G \in \dom(g) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(g(G)) \qquad \textbf{H},\; \neg\, G \in \dom(g) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}((\dom(g) \domsub f)(G))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f\ovl g)(G))} where \mathbf{Q} is WD strict A

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \binter f[T]) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \binter T])} where A and B denote types. M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H},\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \binter f[T]) \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \binter T]) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}} where A and B denote types. M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \setminus f[T]) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \setminus T])} where A and B denote types. M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; f^{-1} \in A \pfun B    \qquad\textbf{H},\;\textbf{Q}(f[S] \setminus f[T]) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(f[S \setminus T]) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}} where A and B denote types. M

\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; {WD}(\textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} )) \qquad\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; \textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} ) }{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \;  \textbf{Q}(f[\{ E\} ])} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \; \; \vdash \; \; {WD}(\textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\} )) \qquad\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(\{ f(E)\}) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(f[\{ E\} ]) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G} } M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))))    \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}((f \fcomp g)(x))} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(\textbf{Q}(g(f(x))))    \qquad\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}(g(f(x))) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\; \textbf{Q}((f \fcomp g)(x)) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S)} the user has to write the set corresponding to T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\;\finite\,(S) \;\lor\;\ldots \;\lor\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(S \;\binter\;\ldots \;\binter\; T)} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\;\exists s\, \qdot\, s \in S \land \finite\,(s)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(\inter(S))} where s is fresh M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\;\exists s\, \qdot\, P \land \finite\,(E)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(\Inter s\,\qdot\,P\,\mid\,E)} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\;\finite\,(S) \;\land\;\ldots \;\land\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(S \;\bunion\;\ldots \;\bunion\; T)} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(S) \;\land\; (\forall s\, \qdot\, s \in S \limp \finite\,(s))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(\union(S))} where s is fresh M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite(\{s\qdot P\mid E\})\;\land\;(\forall s\, \qdot\, P \limp \finite\,(E))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\; \finite\,(\Union s\,\qdot\,P\,\mid\,E)} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\;\finite\,(S)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S \;\setminus\; T)} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash 
\;\;\finite\,(\{x \,\mid\, P(x)\})}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\{x \,\qdot\, P(x) \,\mid\, F(x)\})} M

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; r\in S\;\mathit{op}\;T,\; \finite\,(S),\; \finite\,(T) \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r)} where \mathit{op} denotes a set of relations (any arrow) A

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\rel T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; r \;\in\; S \rel T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(T)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r)} the user has to write the set corresponding to S \rel T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r[s])} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\ran(r))} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(r) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\dom(r))} M

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S\;\mathit{op}\;T,\; \finite\,(S) \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)} where \mathit{op} is one of \pfun, \tfun, \pinj, \tinj, \psur, \tsur, \tbij A

\frac{}{\textbf{H},\; f\in S\;\mathit{op}\;T,\; \finite\,(T) \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)} where \mathit{op} is one of \pinj, \tinj, \tbij A

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)} the user has to write the set corresponding to S  \pfun T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f^{-1} \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f)} the user has to write the set corresponding to S  \pfun T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(s) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(f[s])} the user has to write the set corresponding to S  \pfun T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\ran(f))} the user has to write the set corresponding to S  \pfun T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\;{WD}(S\pfun T) \qquad\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; f^{-1} \;\in\; S \pfun T \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(S) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite\,(\dom(f))} the user has to write the set corresponding to S  \pfun T in the editing area of the Proof Control Window M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)  }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)} S must not contain any bound variable M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)  }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \geq n)} S must not contain any bound variable M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)  }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \geq x)} S must not contain any bound variable M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)  }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)} S must not contain any bound variable M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; n \leq x)  \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq \intg \setminus \natn }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \exists n\,\qdot\, (\forall x \,\qdot\, x \in S \;\limp\; x \leq n)  \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; S \subseteq \nat }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \finite(S)} M

\frac{\textbf{H},\, a \leq b \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(b-a+1) \qquad \textbf{H},\, b < a \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q}(0) }{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{Q}(\card\,(a\upto b))} where \mathbf{Q} is WD strict M

\frac{\textbf{H},\, a \leq b,\,\textbf{P}(b-a+1)  \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} \qquad \textbf{H},\, b < a ,\, \textbf{P}(0)\;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{Q} }{\textbf{H},\,\textbf{P}(\card\,(a\upto b))  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{Q}} where \mathbf{P} is WD strict M

\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; S \subseteq T}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) \leq \card(T)} S and T bear the same type M

\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; T \subseteq S}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) \geq \card(T)} S and T bear the same type M

\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; S \subset T}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) < \card(T)} S and T bear the same type M

\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; T \subset S}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) > \card(T)} S and T bear the same type M

\frac{\textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; S = T}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \card(S) = \card(T)} S and T bear the same type M

\frac{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \setminus  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card(S) - \card(S\binter T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \setminus  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} M
\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card(S) - \card(S\binter T))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card (S \setminus  T))} M

\frac{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(T) \qquad \textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card(S) * \card(T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H},\, \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T)) \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} M
\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(S) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \finite(T) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card(S) * \card(T))}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(\card (S \cprod  T))} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H} , [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} x is instantiated with E M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E) \;\;\vdash \;\; [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E), [x \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} x is instantiated with E and a Modus Ponens is applied M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E) \;\;\vdash \;\; [x \bcmeq E]\lnot\textbf{Q} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(E), [x \bcmeq E]\lnot\textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H}, \forall x \qdot \textbf{P} \limp \textbf{Q}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} x is instantiated with E and a Modus Tollens is applied M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(\textbf{P}) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{\textbf{P}} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} hypothesis \textbf{P} is added M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(E)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \exists x \qdot \textbf{P}(x)} x is instantiated with E M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(\textbf{P}) \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{\textbf{G}} \qquad  \textbf{H}, {WD}(\textbf{P}), \lnot \textbf{P} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} case distinction on predicate \textbf{P} M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H}, \forall x, \ldots, \ldots,z \qdot [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \ldots \land [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \limp [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{R} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{G}}{ \textbf{H}, \forall x, \ldots, y, \ldots, z \qdot \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land y = E \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{G}} The rule can be applied with \forall as well as with \exists A

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; {WD}(E) \qquad  \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \forall x, \ldots, \ldots,z \qdot [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{P} \land \ldots \land \ldots \land [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{Q} \limp [y \bcmeq E]\textbf{R} }{ \textbf{H}  \;\;\vdash\;\; \forall x, \ldots, y, \ldots, z \qdot \textbf{P} \land \ldots \land y = E \land \ldots \land \textbf{Q} \limp \textbf{R} } The rule can be applied with \forall as well as with \exists A

 \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\rel B} where \mathit{op} is one of \rel, \trel, \srel, \strel, \pfun, \tfun, \pinj, \tinj, \psur, \tsur, \tbij A

 \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\trel B} where \mathit{op} is one of \trel, \strel, \tfun,\tinj, \tsur, \tbij A

 \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\pfun B} where \mathit{op} is one of \pfun, \tfun, \pinj, \tinj, \psur, \tsur, \tbij A

 \frac{\textbf{H}\vdash x\in A\qquad \textbf{H}\vdash y\in B}{\textbf{H}, f\in A\;op\; B\vdash f\ovl\left\{x\mapsto y\right\}\in A\tfun B} where \mathit{op} is one of \tfun, \tinj, \tsur, \tbij A

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; x\in\nat \qquad \textbf{H}, x=0 \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(x) \qquad \textbf{H}, n\in\nat, \textbf{P}(n) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(n+1)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(x)} x of type \intg appears free in \textbf{P}; n is introduced as a fresh identifier M

\frac{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; x\in\nat \qquad \textbf{H} \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(0) \qquad \textbf{H}, n\in\nat, \forall k\qdot 0\leq k\land k < n \limp \textbf{P}(k) \;\;\vdash \;\; \textbf{P}(n)}{\textbf{H} \;\;\vdash\;\; \textbf{P}(x)} x of type \intg appears free in \textbf{P}; n is introduced as a fresh identifier M

Those following rules have been implemented in the reasoner GeneralizedModusPonens.

  Name Rule Side Condition A/M
 \frac{P,\varphi(\btrue) \vdash G}{P,\varphi(P^{\dagger}) \vdash G} see below for  P^{\dagger} A
 \frac{nP^{\dagger},\varphi(\bfalse) \vdash G}{nP^{\dagger},\varphi(P) \vdash G} see below for  P^{\dagger} A
 \frac{P \vdash \varphi(\btrue)}{P \vdash \varphi(P^{\dagger})} see below for  P^{\dagger} A
 \frac{nP^{\dagger} \vdash \varphi(\bfalse)}{nP^{\dagger} \vdash \varphi(P)} see below for  P^{\dagger} A
 \frac{H,\varphi(\bfalse)\vdash \lnot nG^{\dagger}}{H,\varphi(G)\vdash \lnot nG^{\dagger}} see below for  nG^{\dagger} A
 \frac{H,\varphi(\btrue)\vdash \lnot G}{H,\varphi(G^{\dagger})\vdash \lnot G} see below for  G^{\dagger} A
 \frac{H,\varphi(\bfalse)\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor \lnot nG_i^{\dagger}\lor\cdots\lor G_n}{H,\varphi(G_i)\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor \lnot nG_i^{\dagger}\lor\cdots\lor G_n} see below for  nG_i^{\dagger} A
 \frac{H,\varphi(\btrue)\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor\ \lnot G_i\lor\cdots\lor G_n}{H,\varphi(G_i^{\dagger})\vdash G_1\lor\cdots\lor\ \lnot G_i\lor\cdots\lor G_n} see below for  G_i^{\dagger} A

Thos following rules have been implemented in the MembershipGoal reasoner.

  Name Rule Side Condition A/M

 A\subset B\vdash A\subseteq B A
 A\subseteq B\vdash \dom(A)\subseteq\dom(B) A
 A\subseteq B\vdash \ran(A)\subseteq\ran(B) A
 A=B\vdash A\subseteq B A
 A=B\vdash B\subseteq A A
 x\in\dom(A\cprod B)\vdash x\in A A
 y\in\ran(A\cprod B)\vdash y\in B A
 x\mapsto y\in f\vdash x\in\dom(f) A
 x\mapsto y\in f\vdash y\in\ran(f) A
 \left\{a,\cdots,x,\cdots, z\right\}\subseteq A\vdash x\in A A
 f\ovl\cdots\ovl g\ovl\cdots\ovl h\subseteq A\vdash g\ovl\cdots\ovl h\subseteq A A
 f\in A\;op\;B\vdash f\subseteq A\cprod B where \mathit{op} is one of \rel, \trel, \srel, \strel, \pfun, \tfun, \pinj, \tinj, \psur, \tsur, \tbij A
 x\in A,\;\; A\subseteq B\vdash x\in B A

The conventions used in this table are described in Variations in HYP, CNTR and GenMP.

\textbf{P} \textbf{P}^{\dagger} \textbf{nP}^{\dagger} Side Condition
 a = b  a = b, \ \ b = a
 a \le b , \ \ b \ge a
 a \ge b , \ \ b \le a
 \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a
 a > b, \ \ b < a
 a < b, \ \ b > a
where a and b are integers
 a < b  a < b, \ \ b > a
 a \le b, \ \ b \ge a
 \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a
 a \ge b, \ \ b \le a
 a > b, \ \ b < a
 a = b, \ \ b = a
 a > b  a > b, \ \ b < a
 a \ge b, \ \ b \le a
 \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a
 a \le b, \ \ b \ge a
 a < b, \ \ b > a
 a = b, \ \ b = a
 a \le b  a \le b, \ \ b \ge a  a > b, \ \ b < a
 a \ge b  a \ge b, \ \ b \le a  a < b, \ \ b > a
 \lnot a = b  \lnot a = b, \ \ \lnot b = a  a = b, \ \ b = a
 A = B  A = B, \ \ B = A
 A \subseteq B, \ \ B \subseteq A
 \lnot A \subset B, \ \ \lnot B \subset A
 \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A
 \lnot A \subseteq B, \ \ \lnot B \subseteq A
 \ \ A \subset B, \ \ B \subset A
where A and B are sets
 A \subseteq B  A \subseteq B, \lnot B \subset A  \lnot A \subseteq B, B \subset A
 A \subset B  A \subset B, \ \ A \subseteq B
 \lnot B \subset A, \ \ \lnot B \subseteq A
 \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A
 \lnot A \subset B, \ \ \lnot A \subseteq B
 B \subset A, \ \ B \subseteq A
 A = B, \ \ B = A
 \lnot A = B  \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A  A = B, \ \ B = A
 \lnot A \subseteq B  \lnot A \subseteq B, \ \ \lnot A \subset B
 \lnot A = B, \ \ \lnot B = A
 A \subseteq B, \ \ A \subset B
 A = B, \ \ B = A
 \lnot A \subset B  \lnot A \subset B  A \subset B
 e = f  e = f, \ \ f = e  \lnot e = f, \ \ \lnot f = e where e and f are scalars
 \lnot e = f  \lnot e = f, \ \ \lnot  f = e  e = f, \ \ f = e
 \textbf{P}  \textbf{P}  \lnot \textbf{P}
 \lnot \textbf{P}  \textbf{P}

See also Extension Proof Rules#Inference Rules.