Code Generation Activity

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Tasking Event-B is the extension of Event-B for defining concurrent systems sharing data, for details see the Tasking Event-B Overview page. For more information contact Andy Edmunds - University of Southampton -; Chris Lovell <> or Renato Silva

Code Generation Feature - Version 0.2.0 For Rodin 2.3

This section is undergoing maintenance. We have release a new version of the code generator on 30/11/11, and documentation is being updated where necessary.

Changes to the Tooling and Approach

The main changes are:

  • The code generators have been completely re-written. The translators are now implemented in Java, i.e. there is no longer a dependence on the Epsilon tool set. This was undertaken for code maintenance reasons.
  • Tasking Event-B is now integrated with the Event-B explorer.
  • The Rose Editor is used for editing the Tasking Event-B, and
  • a text-based editor is provided, using the Rose extension, for editing the TaskBody. This feature has been added to address some of the usability concerns. It also overcomes the 'problem' experienced with duplicate event names in a development, since the parser-builder that has been implemented automatically selects the correct event.
  • The EMF tree editor in Rose is only used minimally; we plan enhancements to further reduce its use.
  • Composed machines are used to store event 'synchronizations'; these are generated automatically during the decomposition process. This reduces the amount of typing in the TaskBody editor, since we no longer need to specify both local and remote (synchronizing) events.
  • The code generation approach is now extensible; new target language constructs can be added using the Eclipse extension mechanism.
  • The translation of target's mathematical language is now specified in the theory plug-in. This improves clarity since the the translation from source to target is achieved by specifying pattern matching rules. Extensibility is also improved; the theory plug-in is used to specify new data-types, and how they are implemented.
  • Translated code is deposited in a directory in the appropriate files. An Ada project file is generated for use with AdaCore's GPS workbench. Eventually this could be enabled/disabled in a preferences dialog box.
  • The Tasking Event-B to Event-B translator is now properly integrated. Control variable updates to the Event-B model are made in a similar way to the equivalent updates in the state-machine plug-in. The additional elements are added to the Event-B model and marked as 'generated'. This prevents users from manually modifying them, and allows them to be removed through a menu choice.
Changes to the Documentation

The following Pages have been updated:

  • The Code Generation feature is available by accessing the main Rodin Update Site. In Eclispe click on Help/Install new Software. Find the Rodin update site from the list. In Utilities add Code Generation.
  • There is a dependency on the 'Model Decomposition' and 'Shared Event Decomposition'. These can be downloaded from the main Rodin Update Site, in the Decomposition section.
  • Tutorial projects are available from the Examples directory (use v0.2.0) SVN.
  • Sources at: ???


  • Add array types.
  • Add addressed variables (for direct read/write access to memory)
  • Flattening of composed machines/implementation machines.
  • Interrupts

Sensing and Actuating for Tasking Event-B

Version 0.1.5. Sensing and actuating events, and an Environ Machine have been added to allow simulation of the environment and implementation using memory mapped IO.

  • The new v0.1.5 feature is available from the Rodin Update Site, it resides in the Utilities Category.
  • Select 'the Epsilon Core (Incubation)' component, this is the only component that is required for Tasking Event-B.

A new Code Generation Tutorial has been produced, that makes use of these new features. There is an explanation of the heating controller, upon which it is based, here.

The example/tutorial projects, and also and a Bundled Windows 7 version, are available in the Deploy E-Prints archive or Examples SVN site.

The Code Generation Demonstrator for Rodin 2.1.x

Released 24 January 2011.

The Rodin 2.1.x compatible code generation demonstrator plug-ins have been released into the Rodin Sourceforge repository at: 

The update-site is available through the Rodin update site in the Utilities category.

The code generation tutorial examples are available for download at:

The code generation plug-in relies on the Epsilon tool suite. Install Epsilon manually, since the automatic install utility does not seem to work for this feature. We currently use the Epsilon interim update site available at:

Select 'the Epsilon Core (Incubation)' component, this is the only component that is required for Tasking Event-B.

Code Generation Status

Latest Developments

  • Demonstrator plug-in feature version 0.1.0
    • for Rodin 2.1.x version is available.
  • The Code Generation feature consists of,
    • a tasking Development Generator.
    • a tasking Development Editor (Based on an EMF Tree Editor).
    • a translator, from Tasking Development to Common Language Model (IL1).
    • a translator, from the Tasking Development to Event-B model of the implementation.
    • a pretty-printer for the Tasking Development.
    • a pretty-printer for Common Language Model, which generates Ada Source Code.
  • A tutorial is available Code Generation Tutorial
    • Step 1 - Create the tasking development.
    • Step 2 - Add annotations.
    • Step 3 - Invoke translators.

Ongoing Work

  • Full Rodin Integration
  • Sensed Variables
  • Branching in Shared Machines

Future Work

  • Support for Interrupts.
  • Richer DataTypes.
  • Accommodation of duplicate event names in tasking developments.


  • In the plug-in we define several meta-models:
    • CompositeControl: for the control flow (algorithmic) constructs such as branch, loop and sequence etc. These constructs may be used in the specification of either sequential or concurrent systems.
    • Tasking Meta-model: defines the tasking model where we attach tasking specific details, such as task priority, task type. The tasking structures provide the ability to define single tasking or multi-tasking (concurrent) systems. We make use of the composite control plug-in to specify the flow of control.
    • Common Language (IL1) Meta-model: defines an abstraction of common programming language constructs for use in translations to implementations.

Translation Rules

  • Tasking to IL1/Event-B translation rules [[1]]

Release History

The Code Generation Demonstrator for Rodin 1.3.x

First release: 30 November 2010.

available from:

The zip file contains a windows XP bundle, and a Windows V7 bundle. Alternatively, if you wish to build using an update-site, this is also included in the zip file, along with some notes on installation. However, note that the demonstrator tool is only compatible with Rodin 1.3.

A simple shared buffer example is provided. This will form the basis of a tutorial (which is work in progress). The WindowsBundles directory contains a Rodin 1.3.1 platform with the Code Generation plug-ins, together with a patch plug-in. The patch plug-in is required to correct an inconsistency in the org.eventb.emf.persistence plug-in. For the bundles, simply extract the appropriate zip file into a directory and run the rodin.exe. The plug-ins are pre-installed - the only configuration necessary may be to switch workspace to <installPath>\rodin1.3bWin7\workspace. When using the update-site the example projects, and the project forming the basis of a simple tutorial, are provided in the accompanying zip file. These should be imported manually.

Mac users - no bundled version available at present, but use the update site in the 'advanced' folder.

A step-by-step Code Generation Tutorial is available

About the Initial Release

The Code Generation (CG) Feature in the initial release is a demonstration tool; a proof of concept, rather than a prototype. The tool has no static checker and, therefore, there will be a heavy reliance on docs and dialogue to facilitate exploration of the tools and concepts.

Source Code

The sources are available from,

Note - I used Eclipse 3.5 Galileo, and you will need to install (or have sources from) Epsilon's interim update site. There is also dependency on Camille v2.0.0