Rodin Platform 3.5.0 External Plug-ins

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Rodin Update Site

Available from

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Event-B Class Diagrams 2.0.0 new release 3.x.x 4 Nov 2018 email Class diagrams contained in Event-B Machines.
Event-B State-machines 4.0.0 new release 3.x.x 4 Nov 2018 email State-machines contained in Event-B Machines.
Event-B State-machine Animation 2.4.0 new release 3.x.x 4 Nov 2018 email Compatible with Event-B statemachines 3.x.x and ProB 3.0.x.
Event-B EMF framework 6.0.0 new release 3.x.x 4 Nov 2018 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for extensions 6.0.0 new release 3.x.x 17th Dec 2015 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for diagrams 7.0.0 new release 3.2.x 17th Dec 2015 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Rose editor 1.7.0 new release 3.x.x 4 Nov 2018 email Mainly useful for Plug-in developers. Tree-structured editor for Event-B EMF that handles extensions without modification
Project Diagram 1.0.1 not checked 3.x.x 1st Feb. 2015 email Machine - Context relationship diagram
UML-B 2.3.0 not checked 3.x.x 18th Oct. 2014 email Original UML-B modelling environment
UML-B Statemachine Animation 1.3.0 not checked 3.x.x 18th Oct. 2014 email Compatible with UML-B 2.3 and ProB 3.0
Teamwork 1.2.0 not checked 3.2.x 5th Sept. 2016 email Provides a synchronised copy of Machines and Contexts for committing into a repository. It is recommended to also install the Rose editor, EMF compare 3.1.0 and a recent repository client (e.g. Egit 4.1.4).
Shared Event Composition 1.7.1 not checked 5th July 2017 email Compatible with Rodin 3.x.x (checked by cfs 5/05/17)
Decomposition 1.3.1 not checked 4th July 2017 email Compatible with Rodin 3.x.x (checked by cfs 4/05/17)
Refactory 1.3.0 not checked 3.x.x 6th May 2014 email Compatible with Rodin 3.0.x.
Theory Plug-in 3.0.0 not checked 17th Dec 2014 email
Code Generation 0.2.5 not checked 29th Aug. 2013 email For Java, Ada, and OpenMP C code
Relevance Filter 1.1.1 available ?.x.x
Isabelle for Rodin not checked 2.x.x
SMT Solvers 1.4.0 available 15th March 2016 Laurent Voisin
Pattern 0.9.0 not checked 3.x.x 13th March 2015 Thai Son Hoang
Qualitative Probability 0.2.3 available 3.x.x 9th October 2015 Thai Son Hoang
B2Latex export 0.7.0 available 2.5.x 27th May 2015 Laurent Voisin
Generic Instantiation (Soton) 1.0.1 not checked 05th March 2013 email
Records 2.0.0 available 2.x.x 16th Oct. 2010 email

Atelier B Update Site

Available from

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Atelier B provers 2.2.1 available 3.3.0 7 Aug 2017 Provers from Atelier B

ProB Update Site

Available from

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
ProB 3.0.10 available 3.5.0 4 Sep 2020 The ProB animator and model checker
ProB (Dis)Prover 3.0.9 available 3.5.0 4 Sep 2020 The ProB counter-example finder and prover
ProB Symbolic constants support 3.0.9 available 3.5.0 4 Sep 2020

Southampton Releases Update Site

Available from

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
CmX CamilleX 2.0.0 new version 3.4.0 29 Jul 2020 Thai Son Hoang CamilleX provides text editors for Event-B models and support modelling mechanisms such as machine inclusion.