Rodin Platform Releases: Difference between revisions

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! scope=col | Version || Scheduled Release Date
! scope=col | Version || Scheduled Release Date
|[[Rodin Platform X.X Release Notes|X.X]] || 2011/05/XX
|[[Rodin Platform 2.2 Release Notes|X.X]] || 2011/05/XX

Revision as of 12:56, 17 February 2011

Current Release

Version Release Date
2.1 2010/02/08

Current plug-ins

Rodin Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
UML-B 2.2.0 available 9th Feb. 2011 email
UML-B Statemachine Animation 1.1.0 available 15th Feb. 2011 email Compatible with UML-B 2.2 and ProB 2.1.
Event-B EMF framework 3.2.1 available Users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Export to Isabelle available 2.x.x email
Rose 1.1.0 available email
Records 1.0.1 available email This release includes EMF and Refactory support for records.
Teamwork not available
Shared Event Composition 1.3.1 available 9th Mar. 2011 email
Refactory 1.1.0 available 11th Feb. 2011 email
Decomposition 1.2.0 available 11th Feb. 2011 email
Project Diagram 1.0.0 available email
Relevance Filter 1.0.0 available 2.x.x email
Theory Plug-in v0.6 available 4th Jan. 2011 email
Code Generation Feature 0.1.5 available 17th May 2011 email

B Method Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Atelier-B provers 1.2.2 available 17th Feb. 2011

Other Updates Sites

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
AnimB not available Christophe Métayer Use the update site
Camille available Use the Camille update site.
Modularisation available 2.x.x email Use the update site
Group refinement available 2.x.x email Use the update site
Flows/Use case extension available 2.x.x email Use the update site
ProB available 8th Feb. 2011 Use the ProB update site.
The Plug-in includes BMotion Studio
ProR available 20th Jan. 2012 Michael Jastram ProR support working with requirements. For traceability to Event-B, the Rodin Integration is required.
Update site:
Project web site:
Rodin Integration for ProR not available 28th Feb. 2012 Michael Jastram We are currently working on a revised ProR-Rodin-Integration.

*MCV stands for the Rodin's Maximum Compatible Version

Known plug-in incompatibilities

It unfortunately exists some incompatibilities between plug-ins. This list might be non exhaustive and is updated accorded to user experiences. If you encounter some conflict while installing or using plug-ins, please send a mail to the Rodin User List or feel free to complete the following table.

Plug-in name Incompatible with

Upcoming Releases

Version Scheduled Release Date
X.X 2011/05/XX

Previous Releases

Version Release Date
2.0.1 2010/11/16
2.0 2010/10/08
1.3.1 2010/06/15
1.3 2010/05/05
1.2 2010/02/05
1.1 2009/10/15
1.0 2009/07/01

Release Policy

  • The Rodin platform is released every 3 months.
  • The code is frozen during the 2 weeks preceding each release.
  • Each release is announced on the Devel mailing list. Two days later, the information is broadcasted on the Announce and User mailing lists.
  • The Eclipse versioning policy is enforced.
  • The optional plug-ins shall strive to meet the release date: the release will not be held back.
  • The news related to the optional plug-ins are spread on the Announce and User mailing lists.
  • A wiki page is dedicated to each release. Select a version from the lists below to see the corresponding release notes.
  • The maintainers of the optional plug-ins shall update the External Plug-ins page of the concerned release once they have ensured the compatibility of their plug-ins with the Rodin platform.
To indicate that the plug-in is released and compatible with the current platform, please use the following template:
| [[Image:My_plug-in_logo|30px]] || [[My plug-in info page link | My plug-in]] || version || <span style="color:#006400">available</span> || || contact address || Additional notes about the plugin
To indicate that the plug-in is not yet available and will be released at a later date, please use the following template:
| [[Image:My_plug-in_logo|30px]] || [[My plug-in info page link | My plug-in]] || version || <span style="color:#8B4513"> not available</span> || expected_release_date || contact address || Additional notes 
To indicate that the plug-in is no longer maintained for the next version:
 | [[Image:My_plug-in_logo|30px]] || [[My plug-in info page link | My plug-in]] || version || <span style="color:#FF0000">not maintained</span> || || contact address|| Additional notes