Rodin Platform 2.8 Release Notes: Difference between revisions

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== External plug-ins ==
== External plug-ins ==

== Installing ==
== Installing ==

Revision as of 16:46, 7 May 2013

What's New in Rodin 2.8

Rodin 2.8 is a maintenance release including most of all bug fixes. It also includes internal code refactoring in preparation of Rodin 3.0.

Requirements - Compatibility

  • Configurations supported (and for which binaries are provided)
    • Linux 32-bit
    • Linux 64-bit
    • Windows 32-bit
    • Windows 64-bit
    • Mac 64-bit
  • You need to have a Java JRE (6.0 or later) installed on your computer. The Rodin product will not work with a previous version. To run Rodin 64-bit, you need a 64-bit JRE.
  • To enhance your proving experience, the eclipse font settings (size, aspect...) are available from the preferences (General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > Rodin). These settings allow you to modify the properties set on the Event-B Keyboard Text Font which is used in many views of the Proving UI. However, to enjoy these functionnalities, you need to install the Brave Sans Mono font on your system.
    You can download this font from the link here.
  • Linux: the internal browser does not work with xulrunner-2.0 (for instance, it causes the welcome page to display a link instead of a html page and the Pretty Printer does not work); xulrunner-1.9.x must be installed.
  • Linux 64-bit:
package ia32-libs (and its dependencies) must be installed.
  • Windows 64-bit:
Atelier B provers work more slowly; it can cause ML to not automatically discharge some sequents that it discharges on windows 32-bit, due to its timeout. A workaround is to download a custom profile: DefaultAuto_ML800, then Window > Preferences > Event-B > Sequent Prover > Auto/Post Tactic > Profiles (tab) > Import..., point to the downloaded file, 'Select All' profiles (there are 2), OK. Then in 'Auto/Post Tactic' tab, select 'Default Auto Tactic Profile (ML 800)' profile for auto-tactics. It is the same as the 'Default Auto Tactic Profile', except ML has a longer timeout (800 ms). You can of course change this timeout by editing the 'ML (800)' profile.
We have not noticed this problem for Linux 64-bit, nor for other platforms; however if you do, the same workaround applies.

External plug-ins

Rodin Update Site

[NOTE: updates to some plugins marked *** are available from a separate update site : which you will need to add by clicking the 'Add...' button in the Install window]

[NOTE : some iUML-B plugins require an extra update site for dependencies: which you will need to add by clicking the 'Add...' button in the Install window]

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Event-B State-machines available *** 2.x.x 14th April 2014 email State-machines contained in Event-B Machines [Requires adding the following update site for dependencies:]
Event-B State-machine Animation 2.0.0 available 2.x.x 14th April 2014 email Compatible with Event-B statemachines 2.0.x and ProB 2.4.x
UML-B 2.2.1 available 2.x.x 9th Feb. 2011 email Original UML-B modelling environment
UML-B Statemachine Animation 1.2.0 available 2.x.x 15th Feb. 2011 email Compatible with UML-B 2.2.x and ProB 2.4.x
Event-B EMF framework 4.0.0 available 2.x.x 14th April 2014 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for extensions 3.0.0 available 2.x.x 14th April 2014 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for diagrams available *** 2.x.x 14th April 2014 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Isabelle for Rodin not checked 2.x.x
Rose 1.4.0 available 2.x.x 14th April 2014 email Mainly useful for Plug-in developers. Tree-structured editor that handles extensions without modification
Records 1.0.1 not checked 16th Oct. 2010 email No longer actively supported - please email if you wish to use this plugin
Teamwork 1.1.0 not checked 15th Oct. 2010 email No longer actively supported - please email if you wish to use this plugin
Shared Event Composition 1.6.1 available 04th July 2013 email Compatible with Rodin 2.8.
Refactory 1.2.2 available 16th August 2012 email Version compatible with Rodin 2.8.
Decomposition 1.2.6 available 11th Dec 2012 email Compatible with Rodin 2.8.
Project Diagram 1.0.0 not checked 15th Nov. 2010 email Machine - Context relationship diagram
Relevance Filter 1.1.1 not checked 2.x.x
Theory Plug-in v2.0.0 available 30th April 2014 email Compatible with Rodin 2.8.
Code Generation 0.2.5 available 29th Aug. 2013 email For Java, Ada, and OpenMP C code
SMT Solvers 1.1.0 available 2.4 18th October 2013 Laurent Voisin
Qualitative Probability 0.2.1 not checked 2.3.x 23rd November 2011 email
Generic Instantiation 0.2.2 not checked 2.3.x 11th May 2012 email
B2Latex export 0.5.3 not checked 2.5.x 16th April 2012 email
Generic Instantiation (Soton) 1.0.1 available 05th March 2013 email

B Method Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Atelier-B provers 2.0.1 available 2.4.x 5th Oct. 2011 email Read the instructions concerning 64-bit compatibility : here

Other Update Sites

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
AnimB not checked Christophe Métayer Use the update site
Camille 2.1.5 not checked 2.5.x 27th July 2011 Michael Jastram Use the Camille update site.
Make sure to install the Event-B EMF Framework version 3.7.0 or greater.
Modularisation not checked 2.x.x email Use the update site
Group refinement not checked 2.x.x email Use the update site
Flows/Use case extension not checked 2.x.x email Use the update site
ProB 2.4.1 available 2.8.x 21th Jun. 2013 Jens Bendisposto Use the ProB update site.
The Plug-in includes BMotion Studio
ProR 0.3.2 not checked 2.6.x 08/01/2012 Michael Jastram Update site:
Project web site:
MBT plugin 2.0 available 2.7.x 5th of March 2012 Alin Stefanescu Use the update site
Mode/FT Views 1.0.2 not checked 2.4.x 4th July 2011 Ilya Lopatkin Update site:
Transformation patterns 1.0 not checked 2.x.x 4th July 2011 Ilya Lopatkin Update site:
VHDL code generator 2.0.2 not checked 2.x.x 12th March 2012 Sergey Ostroumov Update site:

*MCV stands for the Rodin's Maximum Compatible Version

Known plug-in incompatibilities

It unfortunately might exists some incompatibilities between plug-ins. This list might be non exhaustive and is updated accorded to user experiences. If you encounter some conflict while installing or using plug-ins, please send a mail to the Rodin User List or feel free to complete the following table.

Plug-in name Incompatible with


Download a packaged platform for your OS

TODO: uncomment download link

Upgrading from Rodin 2.7


  • download archive
  • launch Rodin 2.7
  • Help > Install New Software... > Add... > enter a name (for instance "Rodin 2.8") then
Archive... > select the archive
Mac users may have to use Local... then point to archive root directory, in case the archive was automatically unzipped
  • set options in the bottom of the page:
  • check
    • "Show only the latest versions of available software"
    • "Hide items that are already installed"
  • uncheck
    • "Group items by category"
    • "Contact all update sites..."
the central area should now list many entries
  • select "Rodin Platform", click "Next"
a message informs "Your original request has been modified. See the details."
"Rodin Platform" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
  • click Next, accept license, finish and restart

TODO: Inform here of some specific system requirements (version of Java, etc).

Fixed Bugs & Implemented Features

TODO: Add here a list of the fixed bugs.

Known Issues

TODO: Add here a list of the fixed bugs.


Since Rodin is continuously maintained, several unsoundness bugs which have been encountered were investigated and fixed. However, despite the total commitment of our teams to ensure the soundness of the platform, some unexpected and unknown soundness issues could remain. We would be grateful if you would report these issues to the development mailing list.


TODO: Change versions Rodin Platform up to .
Developer Release date : 2013-05-07. ($RC1_VERSION$)
User Release date : 2013-05-xx. ($FINAL_VERSION$)