Rodin Platform 2.5 Release Notes: Difference between revisions

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* General changes
* General changes
This release mainly contains bug fixes and code consolidation.
:* Support for '''Check for updates''': it will be possible to upgrade to further releases of the core Rodin platform directly from the tool.
:* '''Bug fixes''' and '''code consolidation'''.

* Changes for plugin-developers
* Changes for plugin-developers

Latest revision as of 17:32, 2 May 2012

What's New in Rodin 2.5?

  • General changes
  • Support for Check for updates: it will be possible to upgrade to further releases of the core Rodin platform directly from the tool.
  • Bug fixes and code consolidation.

  • Changes for plugin-developers
  • Dynamic auto tactic providers: enables to programmatically contribute additional auto tactics, making them available for selection in the combined profile editor. See extension point org.eventb.core.seqprover.autoTactics, element dynTacticProvider and interface org.eventb.core.seqprover.IDynTacticProvider.
  • IUserSupport API simplification: some operations of the user support work only on the proof tree in main memory. Therefore, they cannot raise any RodinDBException, as they are not accessing the Rodin database at all. Therefore, all throws declaration for these methods have been removed. This change is fully binary compatible, as stated in §13.4.21 of the Java Language Specification 3.0, as throws declaration are checked only at compile time.
However, the default settings of the Java compiler will produce errors where one attempts to catch RodinDBException in places where these exceptions cannot occur. Consequently, when compiling against the new version of IUserSupport, you will have to remove catch blocks around these exceptions.
  • Math Syntactical Groups: published enum org.eventb.core.ast.extension.StandardGroup that lists the syntactical groups in the mathematical language. Prefer referencing them instead of their ids as bare strings.

Requirements - Compatibility

  • Configurations supported (and for which binaries are provided)
    • Linux 32-bit
    • Linux 64-bit
    • Windows 32-bit
    • Windows 64-bit
    • Mac 64-bit
  • You need to have a Java JRE (6.0 or later) installed on your computer. The Rodin product will not work with a previous version. To run Rodin 64-bit, you need a 64-bit JRE.
  • To enhance your proving experience, the eclipse font settings (size, aspect...) are available from the preferences (General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > Rodin). These settings allow you to modify the properties set on the Event-B Keyboard Text Font which is used in many views of the Proving UI. However, to enjoy these functionnalities, you need to install the Brave Sans Mono font on your system. You can download this font from the link here.
  • Linux: the internal browser does not work with xulrunner-2.0 (for instance, it causes the welcome page to display a link instead of a html page and the Pretty Printer does not work); xulrunner-1.9.x must be installed.
  • Linux 64-bit:
package 'libc6:i386' (and its dependencies) must be installed. For some distributions (Ubuntu <= 11.04 for instance), the package is 'ia32-libs'.
  • Windows 64-bit:
Atelier B provers work more slowly; it can cause ML to not automatically discharge some sequents that it discharges on windows 32-bit, due to its timeout. A workaround is to download a custom profile: DefaultAuto_ML800, then Window > Preferences > Event-B > Sequent Prover > Auto/Post Tactic > Profiles (tab) > Import..., point to the downloaded file, 'Select All' profiles (there are 2), OK. Then in 'Auto/Post Tactic' tab, select 'Default Auto Tactic Profile (ML 800)' profile for auto-tactics. It is the same as the 'Default Auto Tactic Profile', except ML has a longer timeout (800 ms). You can of course change this timeout by editing the 'ML (800)' profile.
We have not noticed this problem for Linux 64-bit, nor for other platforms; however if you do, the same workaround applies.



Download Rodin 2.5 now !

Upgrading from Rodin 2.4.x

Use the core update site:

  • Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites:
remove Scala update site (no more exists): click "Scala" then "Remove" button, click "Yes" on the popup to confirm
add Core Rodin update site: click "Add..." button, enter a name ("Core Rodin Updates" for instance), then in "Location" put ""
click "OK"
  • Help > Check for Updates:
"Checking for updates" appears with a progress bar, it can take a few minutes
Available updates lists the Handbook and the Rodin Platform, click "Next" twice
accept license agreements then click "Finish": the software is updating, which can take a few minutes
click "OK" if the security warning appears, then accept to "Restart Now"

External plug-ins

Rodin Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
UML-B 2.2.0 not checked 9th Feb. 2011 email
UML-B Statemachine Animation 1.1.0 not checked 15th Feb. 2011 email Compatible with UML-B 2.2 and ProB 2.1.
Event-B EMF framework 3.5.3 not checked 17th Oct. 2011 Users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for extensions 1.0.3 not checked 17th Oct. 2011 Users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Isabelle for Rodin not checked 2.x.x
Rose 1.3.0 not checked 25th Aug. 2011 email
Records 1.0.1 not checked email This release includes EMF and Refactory support for records.
Teamwork not checked
Shared Event Composition 1.5.1 available 2.5.x 25th June 2012 email Compatible with Rodin 2.5.
Refactory 1.2.2 available 2.5.x 25th June 2012 email Version compatible with Rodin 2.5 . Fixed bug related with waiting for the rodin indexer to update. Added option to rename without having to wait for the rodin indexer to update.
Decomposition 1.2.3 available 2.5.x 25th June 2012 email Compatible with Rodin 2.5 . Typing guards (automatically generated) are marked as theorems; Static checks were added to the decomposition file according to the decomposition style chosen ; Improved UI interface: removed dialog requesting confirmation to delete possible existing sub-components (generated sub-components are marked as read-only); Changed suffix of decomposition file to "_DCMP"
Project Diagram 1.0.0 not checked email
Relevance Filter 1.1.1 not checked 2.x.x
Theory Plug-in v1.0 not checked 2.2 8th July 2011 email Compatible with Rodin 2.2 only.
Code Generation Feature 0.2.3 available 22nd Mar. 2012 email
SMT Solvers 0.8.0 not checked 2.4 17th Feb. 2012 Yoann Guyot or Laurent Voisin
Qualitative Probability 0.2.1 available 2.3.x 23rd November 2011 email
Generic Instantiation 0.2.2 available 2.3.x 11th May 2012 email
B2Latex export 0.5.3 available 2.5.x 16th April 2012 email

B Method Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Atelier-B provers 2.0.1 available 2.4.x 5th Oct. 2011 email Read the instructions concerning 64-bit compatibility : here

Other Update Sites

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
AnimB not checked Christophe Métayer Use the update site
Camille 2.1.5 available 2.5.x 27th July 2011 Michael Jastram Use the Camille update site.
Make sure to install the Event-B EMF Framework version 3.7.0 or greater.
Modularisation available 2.x.x email Use the update site
Group refinement not checked 2.6.x email Use the update site
Flows/Use case extension available 2.x.x email Use the update site
ProB 2.3.1 available 2.5.x 04/25/2012 Jens Bendisposto Use the ProB update site.
The Plug-in includes BMotion Studio
ProR 0.2.0 available 2.5.x 04/25/2012 Michael Jastram Update site:
Project web site:
MBT plugin 2.0 available 2.5.x 5th of March 2012 Alin Stefanescu Use the update site
Mode/FT Views 1.0.2 not checked 2.4.x 4th July 2011 Ilya Lopatkin Update site:
Transformation patterns 1.0 not checked 2.x.x 4th July 2011 Ilya Lopatkin Update site:
VHDL code generator 2.0.5 not checked 2.x.x 12th March 2012 Sergey Ostroumov Update site:

*MCV stands for the Rodin's Maximum Compatible Version

Known plug-in incompatibilities

It unfortunately might exists some incompatibilities between plug-ins. This list might be non exhaustive and is updated accorded to user experiences. If you encounter some conflict while installing or using plug-ins, please send a mail to the Rodin User List or feel free to complete the following table.

Plug-in name Incompatible with

Fixed Bugs and Implemented Feature Requests

  Bug 1954442: Too many handles used by Edit page on Windows
  Bug 2573332: Long formulas get truncated
  Bug 2835692: Text Editor exception
  Bug 2940575: some fomulas are truncated
  Bug 3005170: Becomes such that
  Bug 3022742: Problem with Software Sites
  Bug 3052238: Saving failed caused by AssertionError in rebuild 
  Bug 3054228: Proof simplification too slow
  Bug 3112508: Camille can not be installed on Rodin 2.0.1
  Bug 3164791: Error and missing page in help contents
  Bug 3392038: Rodin Editor does not handle contributed attributes
  Bug 3429766: Contents in Symbol palette becomes invisible when scrolling
  Bug 3440270: java heap space
  Bug 3441526: Wrong WD for COND
  Bug 3454414: Problems when merging events
  Bug 3469348: Bug in INITIALISATION FIS PO
  Bug 3472979: B2Latex doesn't handle more than one paragraph in  a Comment
  Bug 3473014: B2LaTeX doesn't escape maths symbols in comments
  Bug 3473022: B2LaTeX silently produces nothing
  Bug 3489973: NPE in pp trans
  Bug 3493184: Bigger Font badly supported in proof tree
  Bug 3495675: Unsound translation of card in ppTrans
  Bug 3521058: dynamic label for open preferences with scope not correct
  FR 2154814: Editor  should display extended  elements
  FR 3046981: tutorial
  FR 3377266: Import/Export of user defined tactic profiles.

Known Issues

  Bug 1441596: Tool conflicts caused by identically named files
  Bug 1824177: B4free prover translation for <<-> fails
  Bug 1949927: newPP is too sensitive to unused hyps
  Bug 2531738: RODIN crash adding text to note or text box in class diagram
  Bug 2782243: BraveSansMono
  Bug 2817523: No paste in root contextual menu of explorer
  Bug 2824204: Change to Rodin Elements not reflected in editor
  Bug 2844813: Turnstile unicode character
  Bug 2869663: Changing the font in the pretty print view
  Bug 2882318: Error while entering symbol from symbol table
  Bug 2883199: Fix "new" actions
  Bug 2894645: Error on context named "axioms"
  Bug 2900427: Problems parsing complex expressions
  Bug 2931450: editor extension - clause names defined in wrong element
  Bug 2934585: animB : impossible to start animation
  Bug 2937124: Symbol Table and Properties
  Bug 2937132: newPP unresponsive
  Bug 2940315: mod operator should be compatible with itself
  Bug 2941496: NewPP outputs incorrect set of required Hypotheses
  Bug 2942182: unparsing then parsing gives a different expression
  Bug 2952134: conversion to mathematical symbols generates trailing spaces
  Bug 2952705: Progress bar running too fast
  Bug 2952758: Highlighting of bound variables
  Bug 2957980: Proof Skeleton View : \n displayed as squares
  Bug 2968560: Dependence of Explorer & eventb.ui
  Bug 2974867: Camille text editor -  doesn't allow non alphanumeric chars 
  Bug 2987749: Axioms in classtypes not quantified
  Bug 2988294: Nested elaborated transitions produce conflicting actions
  Bug 2997510: undo behaviour
  Bug 3005167: Inherited elements
  Bug 3005202: Renaming and provers
  Bug 3005204: Cumbersome popup
  Bug 3007792: Theorems in Guards - Syntax Error
  Bug 3007793: Issue with refines clauses of events 
  Bug 3009555: Search Hypothesis refresh
  Bug 3009838: Order of variables and invariants not preserved
  Bug 3014775: partition operator is not accepted by Camille 
  Bug 3019063: Error on Double Click
  Bug 3020776: Issue with indentation
  Bug 3024811: Leaks in Event-B Explorer
  Bug 3075420: Unable to save project after renaming invariants
  Bug 3085129: Rename file and update occurrences can fail
  Bug 3086511: camille editor refuses to save
  Bug 3086755: Tacticals are not cancelable
  Bug 3106603: Theory plugin inherits unsoundness bug from rbp
  Bug 3106789: Rule based prover does not properly match set extensions
  Bug 3112539: Proof status after theory change
  Bug 3122147: newPP can't do modus ponens
  Bug 3126433: the parser accepts a+-1 
  Bug 3151805: inconsistencies in importing of events
  Bug 3154319: Unacceptable handling of unsupported expressions
  Bug 3166636: newPP unable to reason with finite definition
  Bug 3206302: Records plugin: sloppy type checking with nasty consequences
  Bug 3216967: No AtelierB tactics if user profiles before installation
  Bug 3234433: Internal name collisions
  Bug 3275889: Heterogenous cursors in proving GUI
  Bug 3275897: scrolling too slow in Search Hypothesis view
  Bug 3275902: Navigation in yellow boxes
  Bug 3314101: Camille NullPointer
  Bug 3325133: Silent java.lang.Exception when expanding a project
  Bug 3354151: Theorems in event guards not supported
  Bug 3354372: I can't type "<=v"!
  Bug 3379632: useless missing hypotheses prevent replay
  Bug 3382200: POs do not appear under model nodes in explorer
  Bug 3383270: Prover UI editor improperly registered
  Bug 3384700: Statistics view counts POs only from contexts and machines
  Bug 3385671: Vanishing proof work
  Bug 3419497: Hypothesis cache updated too often
  Bug 3430133: The working area doesn't automatically scroll
  Bug 3440270: java heap space
  Bug 3440688: Camille editor : Save Failed -1
  Bug 3459295: Camille Editor : guards/theorem
  Bug 3469731: Rodin crashes when adding an extends clause in Camille
  Bug 3474224: proof support for prj1 and prj2
  Bug 3483250: Incorrect fix to 3106728
  Bug 3483255: inadmissible datatypes
  Bug 3484421: Camille unable to open a context
  Bug 3484721: Unable to kill NewPP
  Bug 3488583: Duplicate PO for action WD
  Bug 3514920: Missing red line around first yellow box

Bugs on SourceForge


Since Rodin is continuously maintained, several unsoundness bugs which have been encountered were investigated and fixed. However, despite the total commitment of our teams to insure the soundness of the platform, some unexpected and unknown soundness issues could remain. We would be grateful if you would report these issues to the development mailing list.


Rodin Platform up to r14636.
Developer Release date : 27/04/2012.
User Release date : 02/05/2012.