Rodin Platform 3.2.0 External Plug-ins

From Event-B
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Rodin Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Event-B Class Diagrams 1.0.0 available 3.x.x 29th Jan 2015 email Class diagrams contained in Event-B Machines.
Event-B State-machines 3.1.0 available 3.x.x 22nd Dec 2014 email State-machines contained in Event-B Machines.
Event-B State-machine Animation 2.1.2 available 3.x.x 19th Dec 2014 email Compatible with Event-B statemachines 3.x.x and ProB 3.0.x.
Project Diagram 1.0.1 available 3.x.x 1st Feb. 2015 email Machine - Context relationship diagram
UML-B 2.3.0 available 3.x.x 18th Oct. 2014 email Original UML-B modelling environment
UML-B Statemachine Animation 1.3.0 available 3.x.x 18th Oct. 2014 email Compatible with UML-B 2.3 and ProB 3.0
Event-B EMF framework 5.0.0 available 3.x.x 19th Dec 2014 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for extensions 4.0.0 available 3.x.x 19th Dec 2014 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Event-B EMF support for diagrams 5.1.0 available 3.x.x 22nd Dec 2014 email Provided for plug-in developers. End users should not need to install this framework. It will be installed automatically by other plug-ins as required.
Rose 1.6.0 available 3.x.x 22nd Dec 2014 email Mainly useful for Plug-in developers. Tree-structured editor for Event-B EMF that handles extensions without modification
Shared Event Composition 1.7.0 not checked 25th Nov. 2014 email Compatible with Rodin 3.0.x
Refactory 1.3.0 not checked 3.x.x 6th May 2014 email Compatible with Rodin 3.0.x.
Decomposition 1.3.0 not checked 25th Nov. 2014 email Compatible with Rodin 3.0.x.
Relevance Filter 1.1.1 available ?.x.x (appears to still work - cfsnook 23/06/15)
Isabelle for Rodin not checked 2.x.x
Theory Plug-in 3.0.0 not checked 17th Dec 2014 email
Code Generation 0.2.5 not checked 29th Aug. 2013 email For Java, Ada, and OpenMP C code
SMT Solvers 1.2.1 available 14th March 2014 Laurent Voisin
Pattern 0.9.0 not checked 3.x.x 13th March 2015 Thai Son Hoang
Qualitative Probability 0.2.3 availablel 3.x.x 9th October 2015 Thai Son Hoang
B2Latex export 0.5.5 available 2.5.x 27th May 2015 email
Generic Instantiation (Soton) 1.0.1 not checked 05th March 2013 email
Records 1.0.1 not available for Rodin 3.x.x 2.x.x 16th Oct. 2010 email No longer actively supported - please email if you wish to use this plugin
Teamwork 1.1.0 not available for Rodin 3.x.x 2.x.x 15th Oct. 2010 email No longer actively supported - please email if you wish to use this plugin

B Method Update Site

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
Atelier-B provers 2.1.0 available 3.x.x 18th March 2014 email Read the instructions concerning 64-bit compatibility : here .

Some antiviruses are suspicious about krt.exe (the AtelierB prover executable): just authorize its execution.

Other Update Sites

Plug-in name Version Status MCV* Release Date Contact Additional info
AnimB not checked Christophe Métayer Use the update site
Camille 3.1.x available 3.1.0 23th June 2015 Sebastian Krings Use the Camille update site
Make sure to install the Event-B EMF Framework version 5.0.0 or greater.
Modularisation not checked 2.x.x email Use the update site
Generic Instantiation 1.1.1 available 3.2.x 9 September 2015 Thai Son Hoang Use the update site
Group refinement not checked 2.x.x email Use the update site
Flows/Use case extension not checked 2.x.x email Use the update site
ProB 3.0.x available 3.x.x 23th June 2015 Jens Bendisposto Use the ProB update site.
The Plug-in includes BMotion Studio
For older Rodin versions use
ProR 0.12.0 not checked 3.1.x 13th January 2015 Lukas Ladenberger Update site:
Project web site:
MBT plugin 2.0 not checked 2.7.x 5th of March 2012 Alin Stefanescu Use the update site
Mode/FT Views 1.0.2 not checked 2.4.x 4th July 2011 Ilya Lopatkin Update site:
Transformation patterns 1.0 not checked 2.x.x 4th July 2011 Ilya Lopatkin Update site:
VHDL code generator 2.0.2 not checked 2.x.x 12th March 2012 Sergey Ostroumov Update site:

*MCV stands for the Rodin's Maximum Compatible Version

Known plug-in incompatibilities

It unfortunately might exists some incompatibilities between plug-ins. This list might be non exhaustive and is updated accorded to user experiences. If you encounter some conflict while installing or using plug-ins, please send a mail to the Rodin User List or feel free to complete the following table.

Plug-in name Incompatible with